Chapter 20

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I wake up and see the bright sun shining through the windows. I look at the clock and see that it is 7:30 in the morning. Why did I get up so early?

I head downstairs, and see Leo asleep on the couch. Oh yeah, I forgot he crashed here last night.

I go into the kitchen to grab a bowl of cereal. I see 2 new messages on my phone. They are both from Logan. I open them as I reach for my bowl.

Good night beautiful.

I missed you tonight.

My eyes widened, and I drop my bowl which shatters when it hits the ground. I suddenly remember everything that happened last night.

"Shoot," I whisper when I hear quick footsteps running in. Leo pops his head around the corner, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," I say embarrassed. I look down to see glass all around my feet.

"It's fine Mia. Shit, don't move. I'm gonna go grab my shoes." He comes back seconds later with his shoes on. I look down at my feet and start seeing blood. Whoops.

Leo comes over to me, picks me up, and puts me on the counter by the sink. "Okay, I need to clean you up."

Ryan tumbles in, looking half asleep, "What the hell?"

"She dropped a bowl," Leo said as he was cleaning up my feet. I smile sheepishly.

"Classic Mia," Ryan says as he begins cleaning up the glass on the floor.

"Okay, you are all cleaned up. These cuts are not deep at all, so you'll be fine." Leo says as he smiles.

"Thanks Dr. Leo" I say as I jump off the counter.

"No problem."


We all sat at the table eating breakfast, when I brought up the elephant in the room.

"So Ryan, did you hear about last night?" I ask quietly.

"Yeah," He said.

"I'm so sorry Ryan. I should have listened to you. You are always right. I'm such an idiot," I say, as I feel tears well up in my eyes.

"No, Mia. You are not an idiot. You are a teenager with hormones. You are perfectly fine." Ryan says as he hugs me.

I sigh, "I'm gonna call Logan over. I'm tired of it, and I'm ending it all today." I say as I stand up and grab my phone.

"Uh, do you want me to leave?" Leo asks awkwardly. 

"Nope, you can do whatever you want," I say, as  head upstairs.


I was in my room by the time Logan came.

"Hey Logan," I say as if nothing was wrong.

"Hi beautiful, you feeling better?"

"Yes, 100%."

"Good. Now, I can kiss you on the lips." He kissed me hard, which I returned, but I didn't feel the spark like usual. I pulled away.

Here we go. "How was the party?" I ask.

"Ehh, good. Nothing happened."

"Didn't kiss any other girls, did you?" I say laughing, like it was a joke. It wasn't a joke.

"Uhm, what? No," Logan said quickly, not making eye contact.

"Cut the crap Logan, I went to the party to surprise you. But instead you surprised me. I saw you make out with Sarah."

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