Chapter 30

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2 months later

Ugh. I groan as I slip down my chair in math class. Today is the last day of school before we go onto winter break, and it's only first period. As a matter of fact, this class began about 5 minutes ago, meaning there are still 45 more minutes left of class.

I sigh as I tune out the teacher and turn my attention to Haley. She shoots me a sympathetic smile, before her eyes light up with an idea. She tears out a page of her notebook, before scribbling out something, then slipping me the note.

I look down, to read,

Sleepover tonight?

I look over at her and give her a weird look. Why can't she just text? Texting is way easier to hide from the teacher compared to passing a note back and forth.

She motions for me to write. I roll my eyes, and write back,

Sure. What are the plans?

I hand it back to her, as she grins. I turn my attention back towards the teacher, who is lecturing us about how to stay safe during the holidays. When she was about to get into the whole speech about drugs, the sheet of paper slid back onto my desk. I looked down to see a rather long paragraph waiting to be read.

Yay! Okay, so right after school, we go shopping. I'll drive. Then after that, we can go back to your house and bake something. IDK what tho. And dude, I have this new TV series we have to binge on Netflix. Oh! When we go shopping we need to get candy and stuff. Yes yes yes, Mia. This'll be great! You good with this?

I smile, and in return I write,

Sounds good! I'll find something good to try today. I'm excited!

I hand her the sheet back, and she reads it. She shoots me a large smile, then bounces in her seat. She puts the sheet of paper back into her folder. I tune back into the teacher's speech now about a personal horror story of a bikini wax she got last year. I quickly tune that out before zoning out on the brick wall.

The bell suddenly awoke me from my dead state of mind, causing me to jump. I quickly gather my things before wandering out of the classroom. Haley and I separate in the hallway, and I continue on my mission to my locker. 

Once I arrive, I put in my combination and glance up. I see Leo coming towards me and I instantly smile, feeling butterflies in my stomach. My feelings for Leo have developed, as we have been hanging out more in school. 

"Hey cupcake," Leo says with a smile. He gave me this nickname a few weeks ago because I baked him a (freaking awesome) cupcake for his birthday. Ever since then he's called me cupcake, and it literally makes my heart race every time he calls me it.

"Hey," I smile in return.

"So, how are you doing on this last day before break?" He says as I grab my books for my next class.

I groan, causing him to laugh.

"Not good?" He asks.

"Not good." I respond.

"Well, only a few more periods and you'll be free. It'll be here before you know it."

"How can you be such an optimist in a time like this?" I ask, gesturing around. Outside is gloomy, and the students inside replicate it. They all look like zombies.

"I don't know, but you shouldn't be complaining because I got you this!" He exclaims as he pulls a travel mug out from behind him.

I gasp, as I widen my eyes in excitement.

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