Living with depression

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Kodi: "Hi guys! I'm back and I wanna have a serious talk right now... I have depression and it is really hard on me and over the years it has broken me down to pieces. Sometimes I regret listening to the people who make me like this but sometimes I can't help but think, is this happening because this is how I'll die? Recently I've had to experience a hard break up because my ex-boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend... Ever since then my friends and family have helped me love again and I can't help but think back to that time every time I think about my crushes and how they could break me. But I have amazing friends and family who are just so amazing with helping me be myself again! I have also been bullied for who I am but some friends love me for my heart and everything that makes me myself which makes me so happy! ❤️ Now I love you all so much and bye!"

I'm glad that not all people give up the fight even some of my close friends have depression but they still have their amazing hearts beating! ❤️

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