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Wall of reality (introduction)

Sure you heard names of the famous superheroes...

Spider-Man, Wolverine, Captain America, thousands more.

Characters from popular comics and cartoons seem to be everywhere - printed on t-shirts, school backpacks and notebooks, cups; toys with their resemblances are sold in pretty much every toy store, movies played in almost every cinema.

But adult people and most of wise kids always knew that those superheroes were fiction. They thought it's that simple. And for long years so have Fallen...

You'd think the border between fiction and reality is bold and clear. But it's not. At least... not anymore.

Ever heard of the X-Men? If you didn't let me tell you they are very iconic, and sometimes it feels like it's the one superhero group that started it all. One thing I know for sure is that they were first to break the border between fiction and reality. Or maybe I should say two of the X-Men and two of people from the real world did, and the X-Men had no other choice but to become a part of the mess it created at the end. For my relations with the four people are very personal, I will not reveal my name until I finish telling you this story.

Let me take you to where it all started for one of the four people - Fallen. Before X-Men were exposed to the public in the Real World, before the crowning battle back in 'fictional' world, and even before Fallen met Professor Xavier and the rest of the iconic team. Let me take you back to when the border between fiction and reality was really as bold as people thought, because now... now I begin to doubt if the border is there at all.

Here comes the story of how the fourth wall* was broken for the first time in humankind history...

*the fourth wall - refers to supposed play-pretend wall between stage and public in theater, they say it's broken when actors interact with the public; to break the fourth wall is to break the border of realities and let fiction and reality meet

X-REV: Origin of the FallenWhere stories live. Discover now