Matching Habits

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at mess.

aakash" where is trouble". subul" she was praying when i came ". rahul" u told her na that u came". subul" yes ". aakash" do u really want to be friend with her". subul" I don't know I am going with the flow, she is friendly so I am and as she is my roommate I need to know her right". aakash" okay then, but she is a big trouble and keep a distance from her okay. I don't think she is a good girl I mean her behavior is so awkward and u know if u want to be friend with her be but keep me away from her I don't like her". rahul" stop aakash". aakash" now ur telling to stop me, u know what from when this girl has come u guys r ignoring me and our friendship doesn't seem to be like old times".rahul" stop ". rahul tried to gesture him to look at his left but aakash was so much into bitching abt vani. subul saw at the right side and saw vani there and tried to tell aakash to look but he also didn't pay attention and went on telling bad words for her. aakash"I don't know who would like to be friend with her, her behavior is so abnormal" aakash was going to say further and saw vani there. aakash" see vani I don't care how u feel but this is what I feel for u and nobody can deny it". vani" everybody has there own opinion abt other people, and without I behaving in such manners u would not have thought abt me in these way, so not ur fault its mine cause I made u think like that. anyway thanks for ur compliments and friendly nature. it was good to hang out with u guys. bye have a good day ". the 3 of them saw vani going out of mess. subul" wow aakash did u see her she went out of the mess without breakfast and u don't know where u have landed me, for god sake u should have understood she is my roommate aakash and I have to leave with her for all 4 years ". rahul" yeah aakash for subul's sake u should tell her sry". aakash" no way i am not gonna say sry okay". subul" for my sake pls". aakash" okay at lunchtime i will".

after breakfast they headed towards college . in the way they met vani. but none of them said anything. they saw vani took right and went in reception direction .the three got seated differently as there was no space for them to seat together, subul and rahul in one of the benches with other two and aakash beside there bench with other 2 .vani entered the class after few min .vani looked around and saw 2 places empty, one beside aakash and one in front of him. vani asked the guy in front of aakash" can i seat here". the person" sry my friend is coming". leaving no other option she stood beside aakash . just than teacher entered. teacher" pls seat down". aakash moved in and vani sat beside him. in one of the lecture Aakash's copy was occupying vani's half space and she was not able to write properly. vani" aakash can u move ur copy i am not able to write properly. aakash" see beside " vani saw beside aakash and saw the other two guys taking a lot of space. vani" excuse me can u move ur copies ur taking lot of space". the other two didn't even say anything and continued.vani" aakash u tell". aakash" I told and they increased the space and I am not in a mood to fight for someone who is stranger for me, I am comfortable so u look after u ". vani took her copy in lap and started to write.soon break time came. vani was writing something. aakash waited for few secs and then he told:"vani bell rang move ". vani moved out and went and sat in front and started to write. aakash" oh god such a bad day".vani heard it but continued her work. subul" vani not coming for lunch". vani" no I am not hungry". rahul in a low tone said to aakash" u have to tell sry to her". subul" go Aakash". aakash "oh okay". aakash moved towards vani and vani sensing someone looked at him. aakash just saw her and vani said" what , now what u want ".aakash" i am sry for everything". vani laughed and said" why ru u saying sry for which I am responsible, don't say sry it was my mistake only". after saying this vani started to go and bumped into a boy. aakash,rahul and subul saw. vani said" oh god what has happened to me after coming here i am bumping into everyone oh god, i am so sry ". the boy said" hey ur vani right ". vani" yeah how did u know my name". boy" I am Harshad, actually ". harshad took the book from her hand and showed the name written on it''. vani took the book and said" hmm bye". she was going to leave but Harshad blocked her way. vani" excuse me".harshad" if u don't mind will u join us for lunch". vani" i am not hungry". one girl from the back came and said to vani" come on vani pls come na". harshad" she is my friend Reena, vani pls join us". vani don't know why she looked at rahul, Aakash, and subul and said" okay".

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