Chapter 2 ~A Valkyrie's Cry~

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After the filling meal the two elfs went their separate ways to their rooms to rest for the night. The next day they awoke early to get to the market early, or they might just be waiting an hour in line to get Daedor’s sword sharpened. The boy quickly finish getting ready and both grab a small bread loaf to eat on the way.

“Hey hold up!” Right before the two opened the door Nodir stopped his brother by grabbing his arm. “Don't forget i have to do the spell!”

“Come on then! If we don’t get moving we’ll be stuck in line for hours!”

“Come here then.”

Daedor Neal’s down in front of his brother closing his eyes. Nodir lifts his hand to his ear covering them, he closes his own eyes and mutters some foreign language. From underneath his hands a small light blue glow shines through, small golden sparks shoot from between his fingers. Daedor flinches at the small pin of pain. Then the light dulls, finally disappearing from underneath Nodir’s hands. He finally removes his hand from his brothers ears to reveal normal human ears. Daedor opens his eyes and reaches his hands up to his ears rubbing them, making a odd face.

“I will never get used to ears like this.”

“Well at least they're not forever, remember we’ve only got 3
hours before we have to do the spell again,” Nodir warns his brother as he covers his own ears, the same blue glow and golden sparks shines from beneath his hands, his eyes twitch from the pain.

“Well let's go then!” Daedor grabs his brothers arm and rushes out the door and into the woods.

In this beautiful kingdom the streets are filled with all types of people, young and old, tall and short, big and thin. All here squished between the many tents lining the streets filled with things from across the world, toys from Tangor, books from Bungarn, jewelry from Jamin, and treats from Timblo. This marketplace is world famous and there's always something to find. But for our two their stuck waiting, they stand in a line to the blacksmiths place. The line going far enough to wrap around the build the tent stood in front of. Luckily the two brothers had gotten there early enough to be close to the front of the line.

“The only thing I hate about this place is the wait for the blacksmith. I don’t understand! I mean if I had all the tools he did I could probably work twice as fact as this guy!”

“Well this man has been doing this all his life Daedor. He knows how to get things perfect and besides, he’s getting old. Thing is he never had any children to pass down the job too. If he retires there’s going to be no blacksmith here in town. Unless you want to pay double the amount and go to the king’s blacksmith.”

"Yea, I guess you're right. But stil-"

Suddenly a loud horn blast through the crowd grabbing everyone’s attention. The brothers turn to see a top open carriage strolling down the center of the road. The sunlight shines on its golden finish and purple satin cloth. The colors of royalty…
Inside the carriage was no one but the prince himself, Prince Amir Xen Folen, also known as Prince Folen, the son of King. He wore a tan shirt that was covered by a chainmail one, a golden yellow cap covers his shoulders baring the Royal crest. His hair was a dirty blonde with dark roots, neatly fixed back to reveal his eyes crystal green, and his light skin was clean of any imperfection. He was scanning the town foke, as if looking for something. Nodir takes notice of how the citizens react, women and men were grabbing hold of their daughters quickly fixing their hair and dresses as is to show them off.

“There's that prince there, all dolled up, looking for himself a bride. All these women showing off their daughters as trophies just to get themselves some of that royal fortune. They're all just desperate.” a man in line behind the two brothers spats out in disgust. Nodir turns to the man, his hair white and the wrinkles across his face signal a old age in the man.

“What exactly is going on? Why are these Mothers and Fathers lining  their daughters up like that?” Nodir beckons the old man.

“You don't know? The prince has turned of age and with his father on his deathbed he has to get himself a wife quickly. He's giving out invitations to some Grand Ball to just about every pretty face he sees. Got to get a wife somehow.” The old man finishes turning away from him. Nodir mind goes into a flurry of thoughts. For he worries, with him being almost always being mistaken as a girl, and a “cute” one at that, might just get picked to attend this ball of sorts.

And as these thoughts run wild through this young boys mind he's knocked out of it but a person in front of him.

“Excuse me miss, this is for you.” A man hold out a letter to him. This man was dressed like any other person of the town except for the sash he wore around him that was gold and bared the Royal crest. The letter was white, sealed with a wax stamp of yet again the Royal crest. Nodir was frozen still. Daedor had to elbow his brother to get him to move. Once again coming back to reality, Nodir shyly takes the letter from the man. The man walked away and returned to following the carriage. Nodir watched the servant walk away and his eyes brought him to the prince. In that moment the Prince turned to Nodir and smiled to him, waving slightly. Nodir’s face then flushed red of embarrassment, he hid his face with the letter and dropped his head down. The prince finally passed and the normal commotion slowly rises again. The only difference being that a couple of Mothers and Fathers were going crazy over their daughters invitations. And the small part of town returns to its normal commute.

Not long after the two were able to get the sword sharpened. They continued to make their way through the marketplace. The letter slipping out of Nodir’s mind, his thoughts becoming more consumed about what sweets he should buy. That is until yelling and screaming interrupted his thoughts. Nodir turns away from the small stall he was browsing to see a group of people start to gather in the center of the square. A hand lands on his shoulder making jump and turn to reveal it was only Daedor, but something was wrong. His face was plastered with a mixture of sorrow, fear, and remorse. That's when it hit him, they're gathering for an execution.

“I think it's time to go.” His brother states as he begins to push Nodir around the crowd from where they came. As they squished their way through the crowd Nodir can't help but watch as a hooded figure is shoved up onto the small stage like platform by royal guards. The hood is ripped off the person revealing a woman, her red hair tangled into a nest, her clothes were tattered no more than cloth now, on her legs and arms were tattoos of winged creatures… pegasus. This woman was a Valkyrie, woman warriors of the sky, some of the most toughest and mightiest fighters out there. And here she is, about to be executed for her crimes. Nodir didn't even needed to be told for he knew why she was up there, she was born. Humans are greedy creatures and want everything for themselves, and they'll have it one way or another. They believe they're the best of the best out there, the highest class of creature. With war after war they indeed proved it. With it rules were set into place, if anyone sees a creature that isn't human… kill it on the spot or turn it in into the Royal Guard were they will be evaluated, tortured and killed. This woman was caught, now it was time for her life to end the same as all before her... Poison arrow to the heart. This was the reason why the brothers had to hide their ears from the world, for if someone was to see them it would mean their end.

The redheaded woman was roughly grabbed and tied to the post in the middle of the platform. The whole time she was screaming and yelling at everyone, telling them she wasn't a threat, that there's no need for her to die. But no-one understood her, for she was speaking in Sorne, the language of her people. Nodir couldn't help but let a tear fall her words pulling at his heart strings. Being able to undersand what she was saying. Finally the two were out of the crowd, Daedor wraps one of his arms around his brother knowing the pain his brother felt. The screaming continued behind them as the left the market.

Then suddenly,  all was silent.


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