Secret because I don't want to spoil anything

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Also dedicated my relative who loves Louis the best (you know who I'm talking about. You took my phone away at a bbq)

I decided to give you guys another update since this was already typed up anyways. I wrote this for my final English project, and like I said, I'm never doing this kind again. It's too emotional to write.

We were all getting ready in our dressing rooms for our final concert before our hiatus. Suddenly, all the lights in the Manchester Arena went out, and we heard screams coming from everyone backstage. We all heard whooshes coming from all the curtains, and I felt something brush against me.

"Everyone keep calm!" Liam shouted worriedly, taking on his famous role as Daddy Direction.

"Says the one who isn't calm!" I shouted, trying to hide the panic in my voice.

"Shut up, Becky," Liam said back, and I swear he rolled his eyes at me. "Everyone just try to finish getting ready before we get back onstage, and hopefully the power comes back on. Until then, use your phone flashlights."

I stayed silent after that and finished getting ready like Liam said, using my phone flashlight to see. Every now and then, I'd hear a few distant crashes coming from different parts of the Arena, like someone dropping something, running into something, or even tripping. I would never imagine someone able to trip about thirteen times in less than twenty minutes, unless they were wearing an extremely long cloak or something similar, or it was just more than one person.

After about twenty-five minutes, I made my way back to the main area backstage, behind all the screens that would light up the Arena during the concert. I sat down on the couch waiting for the power to come back on. Finally, after ten minutes of long waiting, Louis came out.

"Power should be back on right around the time our concert's supposed to start," he told me, looking down at his phone, pulling up a flashlight and soon shining it on the floor. "So in the next thirty minutes. Might as well be warming up our vocals while we're waiting."

In the next hour, Niall, Liam, and Harry came out, ready for the concert, the power finally came back on, and soon we finished almost five songs. Liam decided to go back to a classic hit, so we decided to sing Best Song Ever. Liam told the band beforehand, so they were ready. They started playing the introduction, and when the crowd heard, they went wild. Soon, Harry stepped up to the mic and sang his solo. After Harry stepped down, I took the stage, taking Zayn's place and sang his solo. Before we knew it, we were nearing the end, and as I started singing Zayn's closing lines, we all heard a voice join us that we haven't heard in almost a year. He was back. We all turned around and saw Zayn standing off to the side of the stage, and we all gave him a hug.

"When did you get here?" I asked, full of awe.

"I turned the power off so I could surprise you," Zayn said. "But when I came, someone else came with me. I didn't get a good look of his face, but the was wearing all black and a long cloak."

We all spread out onstage to continue the concert, happy that we finally had a long lost friend and band member back.

Our little moment of happiness didn't end well, because after Zayn finished talking to the crowd saying he was back for good, there was a loud explosion. I felt myself being thrown to the side, and fans were screaming everywhere, and security guards were escorting as many people out as safely and quickly as possible. I looked over the stage to see if everyone was okay. Headlights were on the floor, along with some other overhead equipment. Parts of the ceiling were on the stage, and we were all covered in white dust from the ceiling. I stood up and felt a sharp pain in my right knee and my whole right side, but I just ignored it. I took role call out loud because the bombing came as such a huge shock and I couldn't think straight.

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