Chapter 16: Meeting

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After a long call with Jungkook, the meeting with Jin was going to happen. But there was one thing Yoongi didn't know, Jin was bringing the very man that had him and Hoseok synced in the first place.


The next day Hoseok was waiting outside of Yoongis home, a playful smirk dancing across his lips.

As Hoseok saw Yoongi walk out, he couldn't help but be mesmerized by the older boys natural beauty. His newly dyed mint hair suited him so well and Hoseok was proud to say he was Synced to this Angel of a man.

"Hey babe,"  Yoongi greeted, pecking Hoseoks cheek.

Hoseok kept his smirk on as they walked to the arranged address for the meeting, and Yoongi noticed.

"What's up with you?" he asked.

"Oh nothing," Hoseok turned to face Yoongi. "Just.."

He took his index finger and traced it along Yoongis Jawline.

"I could feel you jerking off last night." Hoseok smirked, Yoongis cheeks became incredibly red.

"Don't worry its ok if you were thinking about me," Hoseok kissed under Yoongis ear, Yoongi shuddered by the sudden feeling.

Yoongi was beyond flustered, and Hoseok found it to be the most lovable thing in the world. Intertwining their finger together, he said.

"C'mon that Jin guy is probably waiting."


"WHY DO I HAVE TO GO!" Namjoon whined, Jin stood in front of him, like a mother forcing her child to go to school.

"Because I said you do," Jin told him. "Now get your ass up we don't have all day."

Namjoon glared at his boyfriend, walking into the bathroom.

"Do you realize how awkward this will be?" Namjoon yelled from the bathroom.

"I do, but you will answer what ever questions they have!" Jin responded.

"And offer them the one thing that other couples didn't get." Jin finished as Namjoon walked out.

"I know." Namjoon stated.

"Lets go, you know how I hate being late."


Lord and behold Namjoon was right,

It was awkward.

As Namjoon and Jin sat across from Hoseok and Yoongi they both had nothing to say.

Are you going to talk? Hoseok questioned, using their thoughts to communicate.

"Yes" Yoongi said aloud, looking at the boy across from him.

"So Jin," Yoongi began. "lets begin this meeting."

Jin adjusted in his chair, facing the younger boy, "lets."

Both Namjoon and Hoseok looked at each other, before slumping down further in their seats.

"How did you know our names?" Yoongi asked.

"My boyfriend did." Jin responded.

"And Namjoon how did you know our names?" Yoongi looked at the tense boy.

"My sister, Kyungmin, she goes to your school." he replied.

And Jin made a very bold move that made both Yoongi and Hoseok Tense.

"I even know how you got synced."

"How did you know we were synced?" Hoseok questioned, sitting up.

"Namjoon, he synced you both."

Thanks for throwing me under the bus. Namjoon shot Jin a look, while sending him the message simultaneously.

Jin shrugged, ignoring his boyfriends words.

"HOW? WHY?" Yoongi yelled, eager for answers.

Namjoon cleared his throat. Both boys leaning in to listen.

"I work for the government, or used to." Jin smiled hearing those words. "We had to pick certain people to do the artificial syncing on. My sister originally offered two of your friends, Tae and Jungkook, but I had to unsync them do to reasons."

Even though Yoongi and Hoseok were both shocked at the news, they weren't really surprised. But didn't show it since their ears were glued to listening to their Social Studies teachers words.

"I asked Kyungmin again and she said you two. Polar opposites to sync, and in my head that was a good idea. And it seems like it was, I'm sorry for the troubles it cost you both." Namjoon finished.

Hoseok breathed in deeply, taking in the information. Yoongi doing the same.

The next thing Namjoon said caused very different thoughts from both Yoongi and Hoseok. One of them was all for it, while the other didn't want to do it at all.

"I can unsync you both from one another."

I wonder who's thoughts are who's? Hmmm

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