Chapter 38: How is he?

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Jin's eyes hurt, his hands were covered in blood, his boyfriend's blood.

The ambulance took Namjoon away from Jin, saying they would do everything they could to save him. Authorities took Sejun, needing further questioning from the victims, who were also in hospital rooms.

Hoseok, Jungkook, and Jin sat down in the waiting area, worried about their friend's life.

"He is going to be okay Hyung," Jungkook assured, Jin looked up at him.

"He did it for me, he took t-that bullet f-for m-me," Jin's voice cracked as he spoke, on the verge of tears again, devastation clearly detected in his tone.

Hoseok rubbed his back soothingly.

"Go," Jin whispered to them.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook raised his eyebrow.

"I can handle my self, go to your boyfriends and friend," Jin shooed them away, and though reluctant, they went.

Once they were out of his sight, Seokjin finally let himself break completely. He blamed himself for what happened to Namjoon, not once letting his better judgment tell him that it was, in reality, Sejun's fault. Namjoon didn't deserve what happened. The voice in Jin's head kept telling him it should have been him, Namjoon didn't deserve to die because of him.

Niagara Falls was a small trickle of water compared to how much Jin was crying, he wanted Namjoon to be okay, he wanted to hear the soothing voice of his boyfriend again.

"Jin," a soft voice beckoned from behind him, turning around he saw none other than Tae.

"What are you doing up? You should be in bed, resting." Jin scolded.

"I know," Tae snickered, grunting softly when his body made rough contact with the uncomfortable waiting room chairs. "But you need family company."

Jin nodded absent mindedly, Namjoon's condition still clouding his mind.

"It's not your fault Hyung, its Sejun's," Tae reminded the older.

Jin stared at him with glossy eyes, "H-he did it for me Tae, he.." Jin trailed off, his voice cut off by the lump in his throat.

"Namjoon loves you more then anything Hyung, he is going to be okay, I promise." even if Tae was weak, he pulled Jin into his embrace, knowing the older boy needed the comfort right now.


Yoongi laid in his hospital room staring up at the ceiling. Thinking about everything that has happened, his body was definitely weak, the IV's the nurses gave to him providing him with the essential nutrients he needed to heal.

"Hey, angel," Yoongi expected to shudder at the nick name, but surprisingly he didn't, Hoseok saying it didn't make him want to rip his ears off; He actually missed when Hoseok calls him that.

"Hi, sunshine," Hoseok smiled at the nickname, closing the door and walking over to Yoongi.

"Did you visit Jimin?" Yoongi questioned, sitting up.

"I talked to him briefly, Jungkook came in and wanted to speak to him. So I came here," Hoseok explained, Yoongi nodded.

Silence fell upon the couple, Yoongi playing with Hoseoks hands; While Hoseok was lost in the elder's eyes.

"I'm sorry," Hoseok apologized, holding his head down.

Yoongi shook his head, knowing his boyfriend well enough to know he'd blame himself for what happened.

"Come here," Yoongi says to him, scooching over in his bed to make room for Hoseok.

Hoseok gets in with Yoongi, facing him. "Now listen to me, it is not your fault. I would never blame you for what happened, I love you and my love will always be unconditional."

The red-haired male nodded, a single tear coming out of his eye. Hoseok peppered Yoongis face with kisses, before their lips directly met, their lips moved in perfect synchronization.

"Stop talking about it, even thinking about it, I'm here now," Yoongi commanded, Hoseok pulled him into his embrace.


"So it was that bad?" Jungkook breathed, Jimin nodded laughing lightly.

Jungkook decided to check on Jimin while Tae was with his cousin, comforting him.

"I missed you," Jungkook admitted, Jimin smiled at his words.

"Missed calling me short?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes playfully, "That, and I actually missed you, Chim."

Jimin nodded, "How's Jin?"


"I hope Namjoon's pulls through," Jimin stated.

"We all do."


After washing his hands and watching as the blood disappeared from his tan skin, Jin made his way back to Tae; And to his surprise, was met with Tae speaking to a doctor.

Jin's breath left his lungs as he made his way over to them.

"This is who I was talking about sir, Namjoon's fiancé."

Jin gave Tae a disoriented look but brushed it off when he turned back to the doctor in front of them.

"You are Kim Seokjin? Kim Namjoon's future spouse," the doctor questioned, Jin nodded quickly.

"How is he?" Jin asked warily, not wanting to know, but at the same time, it's all he wanted to know.

"Sir your fiancé is alright, the bullet didn't hit any major arteries but he will be okay overall."

Jin fell to his knees in happiness, his hands in a praying position, murmuring thank yous to what ever kept his boyfriend alive.

"Thank you so much," Jin thanked, hugging the doctor, "C-can I see him?"

"He is still unconscious, but yes you may."

After giving Jin the number to Namjoon's room, the blonde haired male sprinted off to see his boyfriend. Tae smiled fondly, making his way back to his room,

things seemed to be looking up for the seven boys, and they couldn't be any happier.


2 chapters left ;-;. I have a question for y'all, if I were to publish a JIKOOK FF, would you read it?

love you guys, have a nice day :)   

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