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A female inkling came rushing out of her house while holding her favorite weapon, the Sploosh-o-matic, rushing ahead to her team.

"Oh there she is! Hey, Jelly over here!" An orange inkling waved her hand high up in the air while calling out her friend's name. Jelly stopped and smiled widely, nearly screaming out good morning to her team mates.

"Good morning guys! So who are we fighting against today?" Jelly hugged her weapon and looked at her team leader which was a male inkling with an E-Liter3k.

"Today we're gonna be fighting Team Luna, rumor has it that these guys have been on a win streak ever since they first created their te-" The male inkling was interrupted by a small inkling girl wearing a jungle hat.

"Hey guys, have you noticed anything strange lately? Y'know stage wise?" All three inklings glanced at each other before looking back at the small girl.

"Oh now that you mention it.. I heard something about a stage being taken off battle grounds. I forgot what the reason was but I'm sure it's just a fake gossip going around so people can win more battles on that certain stage." Jelly said as she checked the time on her squid phone.

"Guys our battle starts soon! We need to get going!" Jelly picked up her sploosh-o-matic and rushed into the lobby with her team.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

[Are both teams ready?] "Meow meow?" Judd said while looking at both teams. Both teams nodded and got in position to start.

 The map was an odd choice. Turf war in Bluefin Depot which nobody really turfed on anymore since people started getting weird vibes in that stage. Most inklings would warn others about fighting in that map or they would have horrified faces when someone would mention the name "Bluefin Depot". 

"Are you guys ready to win this!" Jelly smiled and looked at her team. Oliver, Alex and Wunni nodded in unison. 

[GO!] "MEOW!!" Judd screamed and both teams started to ink the whole section of their spawn until they got in the center. Team Luna was already in the center with their specials ready and ready to splat their foes. 

"Alright Umi, protect the right side and Lee protect the left side that leads to our base. Kevin and I will be protecting the center. Don't panic, always keep calm and focus on splatting the foe." Ashe, the leader of Team Luna directed her team mates while she held her Hydra Splatling.
Jelly and Wunni both used their specials as they tried to clear the center but they got splatted by the Ashe.

"Darn.. How is she so strong? I need to think of a different rush strategy.." Jelly sighed.

 Wunni had already super jumped to Oliver so she decided to just ready up her special. Jelly couldn't help but turn at the opposite direction. She felt something.. no.. someone looking at her but nothing was there. 

"This is creeping me out.. I swear someone is watching me.." Jelly shuddered and rushed back to her team mates. To her surprise, they weren't fighting but looking around the area with uncomfortable looks on their faces.

"Hey guys what's going on?" Jelly asked Oliver and he just shook his head.

"We're all feeling watched but we don't know what is watching us." Both teams just nodded in agreement. 

"Oh come on guys! I'm sure it's nothing, so come on stop getting cold feet and resume the battle!" As soon as Luna's inkbrush wielder said that, hands rose from the ink and grabbed his ankles, dragging him down into the ink. 

"H-HEL-" Was all they heard before they screamed in terror. Everyone ran away and climbed onto places that couldn't be inked.

"W-WHATS HAPPENING?! WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?!!" An octobrush inkling screamed and clutched his head tightly while harshly sobbing. Jelly felt scared but she also felt as if something was mixed up in her body. 

"I don't know but we need to get out of her-" The splat charger stopped and gasped. 

"What is it?" Oliver followed her gaze and looked down at the floor. Multiple hands were coming out of the ink, some were bodies and some were just clothing popping out as if inklings were splatted.

 Suddenly loud screaming was heard through out the stage. Everyone looked around frantically, trying to search the source of the screaming/crying. Nobody.. nobody was around screaming nor crying..

"W-We need to call judd!! We're going to die here in this stage!! Please I don't want to die!!!!" The splat charger wailed and slammed her fists down on the hard metallic gate.

 Slowly the splat charger was losing her sanity and looked down, mumbling stuff to herself.

"S-Stop that! We're going to live! We just need to calm down!" Oliver gulped and grabbed onto the splat chargers shoulder, shaking her. The charger looked up but her eyes were lifeless and dull. 

"We're not going to live. We're all going to die in this stage.... Might as well just end ourselves and save ourselves the trouble.. Hehe..." The splat charger grabbed onto Oliver's shoulders and she tried pushing him into the puddle of ink. 

Ashe grabbed the charger and pushed her away, pulling Oliver back to the grate. Screams and snapping sounds could be heard as the hands tore the girls body apart before sinking back into the ink that had tints of red.

"H-Holy.. shit....If that's what they do then w-what happened to the inkbrush..?" Umi placed her hands over her mouth, sobbing loudly as she shook her head in disbelief. Ashe checked her screen pad and sighed in relief. 

"He's alive.. He's safe in our spawn. As long as he doesn't step outside, he'll be safe until the match is over.." Jelly gasped and checked the timer 0:20 seconds.

"W-We have 20 seconds left!!" Everyone sighed happily but that feeling of hope was gone as soon as they saw Ashe's body ripped in half right in front of them. 

Everyone screamed and backed away from the body. Her neck was snapped and her veins popped out, her arms and legs were all twisted like candy wrappers. Ashe's eyes were rolled back and pouring blood. Alex vomited and wheezed harshly.

"H-HOW DID IT GET ASHE?!" Wunni screamed and felt a hand grab her tentacle. She screamed louder and kicked all around, trying to break herself free.

"WUNNI!!!" Jelly grabbed her friends hands and held onto her with all her strength. Unfortunately, this was damaging Wunni's tentacle. It was tearing apart, blood was oozing from her right tentacle.

"I-IT HURTS SO MUCH!! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME! ANYONE HELP ME!" Wunni sobs got louder and louder as her right tentacle tore off. 






[STOP BAT-] "MEOW MEO-" Judd stopped and gasped as he saw the horrific scene infront of him. He looked at them sadly and called an ambulance for the injured inklings. Judd walked everyone out of the stage but Jelly hid behind a wall while nobody was looking. 

"Why.. Why did you kill them..." Jelly look at the ink and held out her hand, a small figure of a child appeared. 

"They should know.. how it feels to be killed here... In this wretched place..." The child had a sinister smile. Jelly looked down at her and let the tears roll down her cheeks. The child giggled and spun around her while laughing, holding her victims clothes up in the air along with their body remains.

"Isn't this wonderful Jelly?! We have more friends now!! We can all have fun together!" Jelly looked up and glared darkly at her, scowling.

"I am not your friend... You came into my body... You're basically trying to make me suffer.... I'm not going to suffer with you. I'm glad that your father made you run away." Jelly laughed dryly and tilted her head, smiling the same way the child did. 

This did not please the younger one at all.

She grabbed her neck and shoved her into the ink, arms could be seen flailing around desperately trying to yank the hands off.

"..HOW DARE YOU!! I'LL MAKE YOUR LIFE FALL APART...!!" In the ink, Jelly was looking around until the child appeared in front of her.

"You're mine.. I'll never let you go.. I'll never let you live a normal life..!!" The child soaked herself into Jelly's body and got up from the ink. Jelly smiled evily and headed out of the stage.

. . . . . . . .

"...Capt'n!!!" Whose...voice was that..?

Are those.... footsteps and gunshots..?



Wow! I've finally finished the first chapter! I really hope you guys like this.. Please let me know if I should continue or not! 


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