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Julia's POV:
We landed in LA and I grabbed my carry-on then ran off the plane to get my luggage after about 5 mins later every comes then we grab our luggage and called an Uber. "Ok Logan since you have extra bedrooms, and I don't because of team 10, the girls will live with you in your new house." Jake says while putting our luggage in Logan's Uber. "ok sounds good!" logan says while giving we give jake a hug. "Lets meet for dinner at 7?" I ask jake. "sure! See y'all later!" he says while getting in his Uber. We get into ours.
-skip Uber ride-

We get out of the car and my jaw drops. "Logan this is your new house?!?!" I ask. "Yup!" he replied while getting our luggage and walking inside. Tessa and I get our luggage and walk inside. "Oh, girls there's a group coming over in about an hour." "um ok?" I said. "Let me give you a house tour!" he says while bringing us around. "Ok to end the tour your rooms:

 "Ok to end the tour your rooms:

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Tessa's ^

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Tessa's ^

I change into this:

I change into this:

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I walk down the stairs into the living room and sit on the couch with Tessa

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I walk down the stairs into the living room and sit on the couch with Tessa. After about 5 mins someone knocks on the door. I look up and see Logan Sprint to the door "Logan the hell?" I said while he opens the door. "MYYY BOIIIS ARE HERE!!" He yells be and Tessa jump up and walk towards the door. "Boys these are my sisters Julia and Tessa, Girls these are my boys Jonah,Corbyn,Daniel,Jack,and Zach!" Logan says while pointing at us all.
T:"H-Hey!" I look at Tessa, she's making eye contact with Zach and blushing.😊
Z:"uh hey!"while blushing 😊
J:"Whats up?"
C:"Y'all cute😉
L:"Excuse me!?!?"
T:"Shut up Logan!"
We all walk into the living room and start talking for 2 hours.
J:"Crap! we gtg meet Jake and everyone for dinner!"
All:"aww man!"
T:"Sorry we gtg."😕
We started walking then Corbyn grabbed my hand and Zach did the same to Tessa."Can I get your #?" he asked with a cheesy smile. "Sure!" I said with a giggle. He hands me his phone then I put me as: Julia😇💗
Then I hand him his phone back and begin walking away then I grabbed Tessa's arm and said Bye to them. (Btw me and Tessa have a close bond we share everything no matter what it is).
T:"So what did Blondie ask you?"
J:"My #!" we both giggled
J:"What did Rosy cheeks ask you?"
T:"My #!"
As she said that our Uber pulled up, we hopped in and drove off.

The paul sisters//Zach Herron and Corbyn Besson Where stories live. Discover now