The struggle

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Chapter 11

We get to the hospital, and I check in to see Harry appear with pink flowers and a a little pink and purple dress. With the baby girls name sewed into it.


"Oh Harry it's darling, I absolutely love it" I happily say as I give him a peck on the check.

I'm in my room, it's pretty large and it has a really nice bathroom.

It has pink and white chevron sheets with a light baby pink blanket. I have 2 hours to get rested up before having the baby.

The nurses check up on my every 30-45 mins. Harry stays with me, he walks me to the bathroom and I walk him.

1hr and 45mins later

"15 more minutes, till we have a new edition in the family.


The nurse comes in to give me some pain relief meds. And my shots.

I have about five nurses rush in with a worried look on their faces.

They told me the baby or me might be risking our lives. They said they would deliver baby and see what happens.

They say if they the baby comes I might now make it or if they try to take her out she will die and I will live.

I'm about to go under when they say if you had to chose "you or the baby."

Definitely the baby, if it had to come to that. I said shedding a tear or two.


The book is almost done, one more chapter. Please tell your friends to vote, read ad follow. I had a big surprise for the last chapter, and Kat helped me write it. Go read her book😘



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