Chapter 1°

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Nakia POV

I look out the window and I stare at him. He is laying in the bright yellow sun, writting in his notebook. His skin glows in the brightness.

He turns his head to my window and his eyes meet mine. When I notice that he is staring back at me, I jump and run onto my bed.


He noticed me staring at him. Ugh I'm so dumb. That's so embarrassing but he is so cute. I get back up and look out the window again. He is still staring at the window and he is smiling at me. He waves and than goes back to writing in his book.

My heart skiped a beat when he smiled at me. The little things he do make me go crazy. How can one man be so god damn sexy?

"Nakai! Come down stairs! We need to talk to you about something." My dad yells from down stairs. I get up and run down the stairs to see my mum and dad sitting at the table.
"Me and your mum's work schedule has changed. So we are going to be home late and we believe you need a babysitter. We've talked to Esoki, the guy across the road, if he can do it. So tonight he will be coming over and you better be good to him." My dad tells me.

Did he just say that Esoki is going to come over? The guy that I have fantasized about having sex with? He is going to be in the same house with me, without my parents? Just me and him? Oh. My. God. I can't believe this is happening.

"Oh okay." I say trying to play it off cool but I'm actually freaking out on the inside.

Time Skip

My phone buzzes and I look at it
Dad: Esoki should be coming over right now. I just texted him that he can.
Me: Okay dad.


"How is this even possi-"

Knock Knock

I get interrupted from a knock at my door. I get up from my bed and walk down stairs. I reach the door and my heart is beating so fast. I take a deep breath. I put my hand on the handle and open it. I'm faced by a guy with black hair and beautiful skin. "Hey Nakia, your parents told me to babysit you." He says. It's Esoki. "Oh, right. Come in." I let him in. "So.. Want to show me around?" He asks me. I stare at him. Ignoring his question and just taking in the fact that he is right here in front of me.

I want him to be on top of me. Leaving his marks down my neck. I want him inside me.

"Um.. are you okay?" He asks me in confusion. I get out of my trance and realise what he says. "Oh yeah sorry." I laugh awkwardly. "Here is the couch." I put my hand on the soft leather. "The TV is really big so that you can watch porn on a big screen when you are alone." I joke and Eskoi chuckles.

I walk into the kitchen and Esoki follows behind me. "And This right here is the kitchen. We have lots of food so help yourself." I say and walk down the hall and is met with a door in front of me. Opening it, it leads into a bathroom. "This is the down stairs bathroom but you can use the one up stairs if you want." I close the door as Esoki takes notes in his head about the house.

We go upstairs and I walk to my bedroom door. It opens as I turn the knob. The smell of my sweet perfume fills the hall. "And This right here is my room. I stay in here most of the. Dreaming and wishing about things that could happen." I look down at my feet. Sadly knowing that me and Esoki are never going to be a couple or have sex for obvious reasons. "Oh. Cool." Esoki says, smiling at me. I turn around quickly, not knowing that he was behind me. My hair hits his face and my chest meets with his. I start to blush and get shy. "Hehe I'm sorry." I giggle. "It's fine." Esoki looks down at me as I look up at him.

Why is he so good looking? And how is this moment real? Is this a dream?Am I Dreaming?

"Excuse me." I say, trying to seem like I didn't want to stay staring at his beautiful eyes. I walk to the next door. "This is the guest room. You can sleep here until my parents get home if you want. It's usally where the boys I have sex with hide when my parents come home."  I joke, knowing that that is never going to be the truth. Esokis jaw drops. "I'm just kidding, Silly." I laugh. "Oh okay." Esoki says and takes a deep breath.

I close the guest room door and start to walk to the one across from it. "This is the second bathroom. It's kinda big." I tell Esoki. I see Esoki laugh to himself. "What's so funny?" I ask with my hands on my hips. "It's nothing." Esoki replys, frozen knowing that you heared him. "Better be." I smile.

We move on from the second bathroom onto my parents room. I open the door to show a king size bed with yellow and white pillow+Blanket matching set on it. "This here is the master bed room. I hear noises from this room but my parents just say that they are just playing around." I whisper to Esoki. Esoki laughs and looks at me with his light brown eyes. He runs his hand through his hair. I frezze as I watch. I imagine him fingering me and me holding the roots of his hair as he does it.

I'm a pretty young girl to know about sex, positions, kinks, and all that but don't blame it on me. I found porn on my dad's tablet and I started to watch it. I'm still a virgin. And I know how I want to lose my virginity to.


The one and only. I want him to be my first and I want it to be good. I've always had a crush on Esoki since I moved in my house and seen him out my window. Ugh he is such a cute and loveable guy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2018 ⏰

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