Chapter 1

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I finally slap my alarm clock in the right position so that the obnoxious sound stops. I roll back in bed and finally wake up to the sound of the bus turning around just down the street!!! It will be here in 3 minutes and if I miss it I will be walking 7 miles to school.

I quickly pop out of bed. I slap on some jeans and a t-shirt, put my hair in a very MESSY bun, grab my makeup to put on in the bus, slap shoes on, and I grab a protein bar and my backpack and sprint out just as the bus arrives outside my house.

When I get to school the buses are crowded as always and I was getting pushed and shoved. I was just a few feet from my locker when WHAM! a backpack slammed me in the face and I almost fell to the ground when an angel caught me.

He had sandy blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. He was slightly taller than me and appeared quite muscular.

"Hello" he said casually like he catches girls on a normal schedule "my name is Zach Kasey"

Akwardly I said "Hi I'm Ali Krem. it looks like we have lockers next to each other." I tried to hide my happiness when I noticed my locker was right next to his!

He flashed a wonderful smile and said "Cool."

The late bell rang

I mumbled a bye and quickly stuffed my backpack in my locker and sprinted to homeroom.

* was that destiny or what?!!*

So as it turns out Zach is in EVERY SINGLE CLASS with me and sits with me at lunch with my friends Paige, Kristen, and Ava. And of course their boyfriends Ben, max, and Sam. In fact, Zach and I are the only single people at the lunch table we sit at. Coincidence? I think not

*****OK so before mayb I thought it was destiny that Zach caught me. Well now I know because why else would all of those things happen?****

Anyway, my name is Alliana Kremp

(but everybody calls me Ali for short)

I have long, thick, and light brown hair with caramel highlights. I am about 5'8 and am in 10th grade.

On the way home from school Ava texted me to invite me to come over to her pool party this Friday

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