4. Zhu Zhengting

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(A/N: {points to the above pic} he's wearing that throughout this whole Imagine huhuhu~ (>_>)



"Kimmie! Please stay still.."

Your face twitched in annoyance as you continued to struggle with putting the diaper on your two year old cousin baby, who was clearly enjoying torturing you like this.

The little baby held an innocent smile as she twisted her body left and right and kicked her legs mid air, not granting you any chance to put the diapers on her.

After another 20 minutes of you struggling, you were able to complete the almost impossible task.

You breathed a huge sigh of relief. The baby giggled at your messy form, you rolling your eyes at that as you picked her up and proceeded to take her up her room.

Due to some important meeting which could not be ignored, both your aunt and uncle were going to stay overnight in the neighbouring city and due to such a short notice, they requested you to look after Kimmie for one night.

And of course you had no choice but to comply to their request.

So. here you were.

"Its your nap time now. Come here Kim.."

You frowned as Kimmie pouted and started throwing a tantrum.

"Wha-" You took her in your arms as her small hands pointed to the window near her cradle. "What is it now?"

You went to the window to see that a black Rover was parked in the driveway and out came out your boyfriend, Zhengting.

It looked like he came straight from the gym because he was wearing his workout clothes. His eyes noticed the two of you by the window and he waved with a smile and playfully blew a flying kiss towards your cousin, to which Kimmie giggled.

You motioned him to come inside and as he did, you and Kimmie had a staredown.

You had a suspicious look. "You naughty girl. You knew he was coming didn't you? No wonder you didn't wanna sleep. But how'd you know?"

She ignored your stare and instead motioned for you to go downstairs. You rolled your eyes, proceeding down.

"First you stole my afternoon nap. And now, my boyfriend."


"I'm so so so so sorry that we have to spend our time together babysitting Kimmie. I'm really sorry! I truly am. Infact you can just go inste-"


You stopped your ranting when you felt his hands cup your cheeks in a calm soothing way. He flashed you his beautiful grin.

"As cliché as it sounds.." He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on your forehead, "spending time with you is more than enough, no matter where we are."

"...even if its in prison or a mental hospital?"

He held a blank expression at your response.

"..You just had to ruin the moment, didn't you?"

You were both interrupted by the wailing sounds of your dear baby cousin. She threw the toy she was currently playing with and started rolling on the carpet, tears falling from her eyes as she held her arms out towards your boyfriend.

"Aw she's crying. I think she's hungry.."

Oh but you knew better.

She was just jealous and wanted your boyfriend's attention solely to herself.

Zhengting cooed as he picked Kimmie up in his arms and immediately her crying stopped.
She giggled, clapping her hands in sheer joy as Zhengting made several funny faces.

She looked back to you one time and it was almost like she was giving you a taunting smile..a smile that was giving you a secret message that she stole your man..and she was making sure you knew.

'Wow. My competition is a two year old girl..'


It was 7pm now.
You came out of the guest room's bathroom with a sigh of relief and freshness after a nice relaxing bath.
You changed into a pair of comfortable oversized grey shirt and boxers and jogged your way downstairs.

To your surprise, Kimmie was fast asleep and was comfortably snuggled on Zhengting's chest, slightly snoring.

Zhengting had already taken a shower before you and wore his extra gym clothes.

"..you want me to take her up her room?"

He asked, slowly standing up and carrying her bridal style.

You nodded your head, silently gushing at how cute Jungjung looked with kids, as you followed behind him.

Both of you reached the room and you leaned on the doorway, watching Zhengting carefully and lovingly placed the sleeping toddler inside her cradle. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead and mumbled a soft 'goodnight', as Kimmie snuggled deeper in her pillow.

He reached where you were standing and snaked his arms around your waist, pulling you closer and capturing your lips with his in a sweet kiss.

"I think we would make great parents.."

He whispered in your ear, smirking when he saw your flustered state.

"Y-you think so?"

Both of you made your way downstairs, Zhengting chuckling.

"I know so~"


(A/N: I mean. Zhu Zhengting + kids? =Perfection💘💘💦
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