5. Xiao Gui

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(A/N: Ik no matter how much I apologise it wouldn't make up for such a loonnngg update. Still I'm so sorry ('⌒')

Anyway enjoy this update!)



"Come on, hurry up ImKun! You're such a slowpoke.."

You waited impaitently for your friend (A/N: moí~ ٩(-̮̮̃•̃)۶ ) as you made your way towards school.

"But (Name)-ah...", ImKun yawned, finally reaching where you stood, "why do we go to school so fricking early? And I barely slept last night. It's not my fau-"

"Not your fault? I didn't know someone forced you to read mangas and fanfics online till 3am~"

You smirked in triumph at her defeated look, knowing you got her. But a sly and creepy smile replaced ImKun's face which creeped you out.

"Heh..You just want to reach school early because you wanna take a glimpse of a certain Wang Linkai..." she wiggled her eyebrows with a suggestive grin, "don't you?~"

Your face bloomed red as you quickly looked away from your friend, walking away swiftly.

"Hey! I was just kidding! Please don't make me run!" ImKun cried dramatically (A/N: yes I hate running or anything that involves sweating  (ᴗ˳ᴗ) )as she tried to catch up with a rather embarassed you.


"Good morning babygirl.."
ImKun's boyfriend, Cai Xukun greeted her with a peck on her cheeks when he caught sight of you and her approaching the school gates.
You rolled your eyes but couldn't help but giggle when you noticed how your friend suddenly got energetic the second she saw him.
(A/N:kekeke..I SAW THE OPPORTUNITY AND I TOOK IT! Making Xukun my boyfriend I mean ( ̄ω ̄) SO DEAL WITH IT YO)

"Good morning (Name)."
Xukun greeted you with a smile, you doing the same thing.

Your eyes unknowingly scanned around him, searching for a certain loud, dorky male.

"Looking for Linkai?~" ImKun winked at you playfully, you blushing in return.

"W-what NO. It's just that he's my chemistry partner and we have to um...discuss! I m-mean discuss something regarding a project.."

You finished on what you thought was your smooth cover up. True, you were lab partners but you guys had no projects to discuss about.

You were met by your friend's 'cut-the-crap-and-admit-the-truth-already' look which you ignored, turning to a clueless Xukun.

"So um..don't you guys usually come together?"

The male nodded his head to that, sighing heavily. "He overslept. Again. I tried to wake him up but in vain so I just came without him."

"Damm I should've left ImKun too instead of waiting for her lazy ass to wake up."


Just as ImKun was gonna retort back, you caught sight of a panting half-jogging Linkai approaching the school gate. He opened his mouth to greet the three of you bu-


"...Well there's the bell. lets go (Name)!"
He intertwined his hand with yours ever so casually, unknowingly making your cheeks flush and half-dragging you towards the classroom, not before yelling a quick 'later guys!' to the bewildered couple who barely had a chance to process that it was him.

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