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A/N: This story is set during season 1 of High & Low: the story of SWORD, continuing to season 2.  

Cobra had never been the one to show his feelings.

He couldn't even remember when the last time he had shown his emotion in public. In his society, display of deep emotion could be used against you, so he decided it was better this way. Besides, he sucked at it anyway. He's often been misunderstood but Cobra couldn't care less. He's a man of few words but he cares a lot of about Sannoh more than anyone could think.

With the uprising of Iemura group, the appearance of Mighty Warriors, who threatened to break the peace treaty among S.W.O.R.D, and conquer them, he haven't had the chance to think for himself. All he thinking about was how to save Noboru, finding Kohaku and how to keep the balance of S.W.O.R.D. He had failed once and it had destroyed Noboru. He didn't want history to repeat twice. It was enough Mugen had fall and they had lost Tatsuya and leaving Tsukomo in a coma, they didn't need another territory war to happen. It was sort of the hidden promise each leader of S.W.O.R.D hold – to keep the districts safe. As one of the original member of Mugen, he had watch Mugen rise, in it sheer glory, so powerful that it had expanse its territory covering the 5 districts. But nothing had last forever. With great power, comes destruction. He was there when Mugen disbanded and chaos ensues. So when he created Hoodlum Squad, he had make promise to protect it for all it cost so that they won't bleed in vain again.

Hoodlum Squad was created as a place for anyone to come back to while Strawberry Milk was created as a place for women who incapable of protecting themselves. Though both powerhouses were different in leadership style, they did have the same purposes – to protect and empowering people.

He guess that was the reason why she had caught his attention in the first place.


Junko was a tough girl. From the beginning, she was taught of not to show her weakness to anybody. The baddest , the better. Though she was the only girl in the family, that haven't been an excuse for her father to pamper her like a princess. Instead, he had raised her to be like a warrior. Despite that, Junko loves her father though. With the absence of a mother, her father and the boys were the only family she got. She knew he did it for her best intention. Their neighborhood had never been safe for women to walk alone. Unless they were in White Rascals territory, that was a totally different matter. Being the only girl in family of all boys, she had no choice but be competitive among her brothers. Fight and fierce had become her second nature. So its no surprise she had a hard time embracing her girly side or act like one. Thankfully, she had Naomi to polish that.

Junko had always find Cobra fascinating. Whenever she saw him, he always surprise her with a new side of him. For once, she didn't see him as the guy who had sweet tooth. It was during when she had visited Dan's store, subsequently meeting the twin tower. She was selecting some can drinks for travel later when Cobra had walked into the store. Junko was mesmerized when she saw him helping the small boy picking a candy box on a cupboard that was too high for him to reach. Who knew he had this kind of charm? When the boy thanked him and runs away, she was so sure she saw a hint of smile on Cobra's eyes.

"what?" his cold voice had pull out her of her trance. Realizing that he might have noticed she was staring at him, Junko had panicked and babbled some nonsense to him. Example, saying she like blacked coffee.

Cobra had completely ignore her at that and proceed to choose cupcakes from the display. He even chose her favorite, the one with strawberry flavor toppings! Seeing him eat the said cupcakes deliciously had thrown her off guard.

Not to mention, he was really good at mental mathematics when the twin tower girls asked him to calculate his own bill. For someone whom his only specialty was to fight, Cobra sure had surprise her good. He always was.

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