Chapter 1

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Rain pounded down on the academy grounds as Alex sprinted through the mud to combat, holding her arms Infront of her to sheald her eyes against the storm.
Her feet skidded on the wet mud, jumping over puddles and attempting in vain to not get entirely soaked. She was running late for class. Again.
The combat arena was finally in sight, but it looked tall and ominous through the rain.
Pumping her legs as fast as she could, Alex finally entered the arena. Unfortunately, the training ground had no roof to protect her from the onslaught of rain, much to her disapointment.
Alex coulld just make out her combat class about 10 metres away and, pulling her beanie back over her cold ears, quickly ran the last few steps before skidding to a halt and accidentally flinging herself over.
It was like she saw herself fall in slow-motion, the muddy ground growing closer by the second. Her arms instinctively flung Infront of her as she tumbled over, rush of air making her even colder than before, but just as she was about to hit the muddy ground, a pair of strong arms closed around stomach and pulled her up to her feet.
Alex sighed in relief that she had been saved from being, not only cold, but covered in mud too, but her ears still burner hot for the fact that she fell in the first place.
Feeling rather embarrassed, she turned around to identify her savior.
A pair of clear blue eyes, creancled with a smile stared into her own.
"We can't have you getting injured before the fighting has even started." He chuckled.
Alex felt her face heat up with embarrassment. She had just fallen over and been caught by Kaiden Infront of the whole combat class.
"Can't have that can we" Alex mumbled, tucking her numb hands into her jacket pockets and turning back to face the rest of the class.
"Hey Queenie, cheer up! At least it wasn't in front of Karter. That would be worse." Declan chuckled.
It was only then that Alex noticed something was off. She was there, and so were the rest of the combat boys, laughing about how Karter would react to Alex's fall; but Karter was nowhere to be seen.
"Where is Karter though. I thought I was running late, he should be here by now." Alex asked.
"Yeah I was wondering that too, we haven't seen him either." Kaiden looked around the arena to see if Karter was in the stands somewhere, but the seats where as empty as any other day.
"Hey you know what that means?" Nick asked hopefully. "We might get a free period!"
At this thought, all the boys cheered, looking forward to what might be a whole lesson of relaxing in the rec room.
"I wouldn't be so sure of that."
Alex whipped her head around at the words to see Karter standing at the entrance to the arena, not looking one bit amused.
"Well enjoy your 'free period' and face Karter's wrath later because he's here and he won't be happy if you're not"
Alex commented, pointing out their leather clad teacher, dripping in the still bucketing rain.
As Karter marched towards the class, he said "As per normal lesson, you should all be warming up right now"
All of the students instantly sprang into warm up, stretching and lunging for the coming lesson.
"But," Karter began, "this is not a normal lesson so get up, stop stretching and listen now"
Alex jumped up from her forward lunges to face Karter, who looked agitated like usual. All the students were very intrigued by Karter's words, and Nick and Brendon even had the nerve to mutter curiously to each other while waiting for the teacher to explain.

"So you all know that the end of the year is coming, and that means I have to write your reports." Karter said.
"I was talking to the head master and he thinks that it will be more accurate if I grade you on a practical test."
The six students nodded in understanding.
"So... I have been talking to the Stealth and Subterfuge teacher, and we have organised a field trip"

Field Trip - A Medoran Chronicles fanficWhere stories live. Discover now