Part 2

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"He likes you, you know?" Willie said, as you sat in the break room Monday lunchtime.

"What Bob from accounting?!" You replied as Bob left the break room.

"I'm not talking about Bob, I'm talking about Niall." Willie said smiling.


"Said you called him a sexy young popstar."

"Fuck, yeah I did but only because he was flirting with me at the bar, trying to buy my round. He called me feisty."

"Well, you are."

"Shut up, he also called me sassy."

"Once again you are!"

He smiled at you and you rolled your eyes.

"What did he say then?" You said trying to make out that you weren't bothered.

"Just that you're beautiful and sassy."

"Ha! Well I'm sure he meets plenty of beautiful and sassy people in LA. I'm nothing special."

Just then Lara, one of your team walked in. Looked at us both and said hi.

"Right, I have to get back to work now mate." you said raising your eyebrows at Willie while Lara's back was turned. You stood up and left the break room. Saying goodbye to Lara on the way.

You found yourself back at your desk a minute later and got back to work. Willie arrived back at his desk next to yours not long after. You gave him a wink.

"Since when have you called me mate??!!!" He asked.

"Thought it might help."


"Yeah well most people in this office think we're fucking so I thought if I called you mate in front of her she might realise we are just friends."

"Oh, good plan" he replied nodding.

You looked around for your phone and realised it was in your bag, in the break room.

"Oh shit, forgot my bag in the break room. Be right back."

You walked back in and saw Lara eating her lunch. "Hi" she said.

"Hi, forgot my bag" you said as you reached down under the table and picked it up.

"Hey......... can I ask you something?" She said nervously.


"Are you and Willie like a couple?"

You raised your eyebrows. "Oh god no, he's one of my closest friends. I suppose my best man friend. Always good for advice, my dating life is awful!"

"Oh right" she replied smiling.

"He's a lovely sweet guy, but not my type. We are aware of the talk in the office but you know a man and a woman can just be friends."

"Oh yeah I know, I have a few great best man friends as you call them!" She said smiling.

You laughed back. You liked Lara. You'd worked on a few projects together and had got to know her a bit.

"So, I better get back to work" you said grabbing your bag. "Hey we are planning to go for a drink after work if you fancy coming?"


"Yeah me, Willie and a couple of others."

"Um yeah, that sounds good, thanks!"

Playing Hard to Get - A Niall Horan storyWhere stories live. Discover now