Disturbed Pt. 7

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Disturbed Pt. 7


The days passed on quickly. And it was time for me to visit the psychopath. . . again.

Currently, I'm standing in front of his house, debating on whether or not I should go in. Today would be my third time seeing him and it has not been fun. I wonder when he's going to crack and kill me. I don't understand what's holding him back from killing me anyway. He kills so many people and I'm not sure as to why he has kept me around, but I'm not complaining.

I let out a sigh, trotting up the steps. I raised my fist to the door, but I stopped myself from knocking. I felt guilty, once again. I helped Justin bury the girls and I still haven't forgot about it, nor will I ever, but I'm trying to block everything out.

After letting out another huge sigh, I knocked on the door twice, hoping that Justin wouldn't be home today and I'd be free from him for one day. But because of my good luck, the door let out a groan, indicating that Justin was home and he's currently opening the door.

There stood Justin. A smirk broke out on his lips and worry filled my stomach; it seems Justin and I aren't on the same page. He's probably planning my death right now. "I'm glad you came today," he whispered, bringing his hand up to my face. He stroked my cheek softy and I couldn't help but push his hand off of me. "It's not like I have a choice," I retorted. The smirk grew wider on his face.

"I'd like you to meet someone," he said, grabbing me by the arm. He pulled me inside, shutting the door behind us. "Who?" I asked, trying to sound disinterested. "Her names Blondie, well not exactly, but that's what I like to call her."

I rolled my eyes. "I would be honored to meet her," I said with a hint of sarcasm. "Follow me." He grabbed my hand, pulling me down his narrow hallway. He cleared his throat as he opened the basement door. The horrid smell was gone and that made me much happier, but it's my fault that the smell is gone because I got rid of the girls and I buried them.

We made our way to the bottom of the steps. May I add that Justin was still holding my hand. I don't want him touching me, but I guess I have no say in that either.

Little whimpers and the sound of someone struggling filled the room. I know what he is doing, he's trying to scare me. The lights turned on and I covered my eyes, I always forget how bright it is down here. My eyes adjusted to the light and I looked around.

Tiffany Sincere sat there, squirming around in a wooden chair. She was tied up on her ankles and wrists by rope. A piece of duct tape was covering her mouth, but her bright blue eyes were open. Her blue orbs were filled with confusion, anger, sadness, and worry.

I stood there, not saying a word. I have no words to say, so I might as well shut my mouth. I don't want to end up like Tiffany right now, so it's better off for me to say nothing.

Tears cascaded down Tiffany's perfect cheeks. Her eyeliner and mascara was smudged all around her eyes, causing her to look like a raccoon. She looked dead and she might as well be dead; Justin is just going to cause her so much pain and I don't think anyone would want to live through it. It's simply unbearable.

I've only known Justin for a short amount of time, but I feel like I know him more than anyone else. I have a feeling that this girl is just more than a target. I don't think he'd want to introduce me to his prey. I mean, why would he introduce me to her if there was no certain reason? But then again, this could just be a warning. Maybe he's trying to show me that if I don't obey him, then this will happen to me.

Is it bad that I don't feel threatened at all?

After sitting through many seconds of silence, Justin finally decided to speak, "Do you know my friend Blondie, Lillian?" I could feel his hand grip tighter onto mine and I gulped. "Yeah, I actually do know her. Her name is-" I said before he cut me off rudely.

"Her name is Blondie."

"No, it's uh, Tiffany Sincere."

"Ha, not anymore."

I rolled my eyes again, ignoring Tiffany's helpless whimpers and her groans. I just need to ignore her, or I'll crack and help her escape, and I can't do that. What I need is to stay on Justin's good side. As long as I'm on his good side, nothing can happen to me or anyone I love.

"Why did you want to show me Tiffany- I mean Blondie?" I asked. "I decided to keep her around, maybe she can do something useful around here, but I need your approval first," he answered as he captured his bottom lip in between his teeth. "Why do you need my approval for this?" I questioned, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Friends help friends, right? I just need your opinion on this because I wanted an opinion," he stated causally. Does he think that this is okay? I thought he was insane, but I think he's more than that. "Justin, we are not friends," I exclaimed, shaking my head. He looked at me and his eyes darkened.

"Fine, then maybe Blondie will be my friend. I don't need you," he spat. What the actual hell? He is more confusing than one of those Sudoku puzzles; I apologize for my lame comparison, but you get what I mean. "You're really that desperate for friends?" I said, forcing out a laugh. I am already on his bad side, so why even attempt to be nice.

He looked hurt, but I didn't care. "I want to kill you," he paused, "but that wouldn't be the right thing to do, so if you go upstairs while I take care of Blondie, that would be delightful." He faked a cheerful tone, but deep down I knew that I have hurt him, and I couldn't feel any happier.

Maybe I can get rid of this psychopath, for good.


I haven't updated in forever, sorry.

I've been busy and I'm a bit of a procrastinator.

This chapter was HORRIBLE and it's nothing like I wanted it to be.

My writing for this chapter is so horrible and I'm sorry that I kept you all waiting for a really boring chapter.

If you guys have any ideas on what you want to happen in this story, then PM me or comment something that you'd want to happen.

Also, if I find out if anyone is stealing ideas or this story then I will pull a Justin on you and kill you; I'm just kidding haha, but please don't steal my work. It's just not fair.

To be honest, I was about ready to give up on this story because I have been feeling different and I don't know, but I don't want to let you guys down because I have deleted some of my popular books already and some of you are still mad at me, but I promise to keep this one up and running.


This is literally the longest Author's Note ever, I apologize.

For the next chapter:

50 comments (if that's even possible).


80 votes.

The next part is already written, so I'd hurry up :p

Thank you, I love you all so much. :-*

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