CHAPTER 14: Heated Arguments

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Seth's POV.

(1 month later)

"I can't believe that you missed it!" Sasha yells at me. I wince and take a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, but I saved the wrong date. I saved 16 September instead of 6 September." I explain, but Sasha shoots me a glare.

"You know that the gynecologist is so fully booked and I had to take an uber there and I was fifteen minutes late while you were on the other side of the world busy sipping wine." She snarls.

"I'm sorry, but I really made an honest mistake." I defend myself, but Sasha rolls her eyes.

"Don't you care about me? Or more importantly, don't you care about my, no our baby?" She asks accusingly.

"Really, Sasha? You are going that far? Of course I care about you. What has gotten into you?" I ask exasperated and a blank look takes over her face.

"Just leave it, I don't need this. Go back on tour, I'm going to sleep, I'm tired." She states and walks to our room and shuts the door loudly.

"Fuck." I curse and take a huge swig from the vodka bottle.

I'm totally overworked and stressed.

We are doing live events around Europe and the normal Raw and Smackdown in America and it is literally tearing me apart.

I'm trying to be there for my five month pregnant wife, but with a job as demanding as mine, it is a tough task.

I drink the last bit of vodka in the bottle and throw it in the bin.

"Screw this, I'm going to a bar." I mutter and grab my car keys.

As I'm driving to the bar, I sigh loudly. If things are rocky now, how will we cope once our baby is born?

I stop in the parking lot and get out, making sure to lock my car. As I walk into the bar, it is surprisingly empty.

Well duh, what did I expect when it is 3pm?

"Whiskey please and make it strong." I say to the bartender and he nods.

"Rough day?"

I turn to my left and spot Nikki sitting two seats from me with a Long Island Ice Tea. She is dressed up- way too fancy for a bar.

"You can say that. Why are you so formally dressed up for a bar?" I ask and she sighs loudly and take a sip from her drink. She then stands up and take the seat right next to me.

"John called it off." She states with a frown.

"Your date?" I ask and she nods and finishes her drink.

"Yeah, he missed his flight here due to a meeting, so he apologized in a text." She says and lifts her phone up and wave it around.

"Shit, I'm so sorry, Nikki." I say sincerely and she waves me off.

"No biggie, I'm used to it. We never have time for each other and it is really killing me." She states and orders us another round of whiskeys since I finished mine.

"Are you okay?" I ask looking at the bags under her eyes and the dead glint in her eyes.

"Are you?" She asks effectively changing the subject from her to me.

"Sasha and I got into a fight." I say and take a sip of whiskey.

She raises an eyebrow at me and gestures for me to go on. I take a deep breath and down the rest of the drink.

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