jovona's plan

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We were tied up with string and hung upside down. The crow queen killed the police and smashed the car brutally.
"Well my future mutants, its time." The crow queen said menacingly.
"Time for what!?" Caden asked.
"Time for your mutation. You're going to be gently dropped into radioactive materials and when you are pulled out you will be mutated but if you don't  cooperate, i will drop you into acid and waych gleefully as you melt." The crow queen screeched in excitement. "Ooh! You know what the best part is? After your mutation, i will inject a serum into your blood stream to make you a mindless killing machine, then off you two go running wild in the streets of crow coast killing everyone and bringing them back to me. Oh yes, you two are going to be the best hitmans ever!"
"I don't want to be mutated but i also don't want to be melted."caden cried to jovona which was smiling.  "Jovona, are you ok?" Caden asked
"Yeah, im fine. Why?" She repiled
"Partly because we're going to be dropped into radioactive materials and partly because we might be dropped into a vat of acid. " caden said stating facts.
"We'll be fine. Besides if anyone drops into the vat of acid it'll be the crow queen not us." She said reassuringly
"In what why are you sure that the crow queen will drop into the vat of acid?" Caden probed
"You see, remember the gun i brought? I'm going to shoot the crow queen's legs when she's standing over the vat of acid. Then she'll lose all balance and fall into the acid." Jovona explained
"Good plan but how are we going to get out of these ropes?" Caden asked
"The ropes... i never thought of that." Jovona repiled."i guess  we can chew our way through."
"I've got a better idea. Just shoot the rope."
"That is a better plan."

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