Bottled Up \\ NXT

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❝Tear my world apart . . .❞

Kenny's smile lowered more and more with each word I said, I tried not to notice when his eyes focused on the door that was behind me as if he was ready to dart right through it if he had to—anything to escape this moment. And yet I couldn't stop them, I knew this was going south and stupid me suddenly had no control over my mouth or brain.

"I just . . . I don't know, feel like we could be something great. Something more than just fuck buddies, ya' know?" The words hung in the air for what felt like forever, he was giving me every opportunity to backpedal and take them back, laugh it off like it was a joke, I just couldn't bring myself to do it.   

Never had I felt so exposed, it was as if every piece of clothing I wore was ripped from my form - no, more like my own skin had been peeled back and the whole world could see. Those piercing eyes shifted uncomfortably refusing to touch mine. And I wished that I had the power to take back the last 5 minutes of my life.

Just this once.

To in the very least save our friendship. "Uh, Shavannah . . ." Kenny trailed off and I tried not to cringe at the pity that laced his tone. "You know I think you're great and all, but . . ."

"You're still not ready . . ." I finished for him.

He nodded and my heart plummeted into the pit of my stomach. "I'm sorr--"

"No, don't be." I found my head shaking when I cut him off, "This is definitely my nightmare," I chuckled to myself a little embarrassed but mainly hoping to lighten the mood. Kenny winced and I continue. "But I'm glad you were honest with me."

He nodded, uncertainty still spread across his face and I wondered if our relationship would ever go back to normal after this. He shifted uncomfortably, rubbing the back of his neck, probably trying to figure out how to get out of this situation. "Anyway, I'm gonna go . . ."

I paused, a smile tugged at my lips. I realized there was no reason for things to be awkward between us. It wasn't like I was in love with Kenny, it just would have been so much easier if he were the one. We already made each other laugh, we rarely fought and the sex, oh my god, was incredible but sometimes the easy thing isn't what you get. "Maybe next time, Omega." I grinned at him, he smiled back a light chuckle escaping his lips.

"Maybe," He agreed as I left.

+ + +

"Can you not marvel at my misery please?"

Tyler and Trent turned to each other briefly almost like they were checking in with the other to see if such a thing was possible before they both turned back to me. "Nope!" They said in unison before clutching their sides in laughter.

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