2 outspoken pizza heads

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morning the sun says to my eye

i grunt at the suns beams in my eyes blinking moisturizing my eyes too much but it eases the pain

"sadey dear i have to go now i love you see in about a week ill call you later" my dad called out

to be honest im used too it im used to dad leaving and my mom traveling its actually better when there not here

"now sade im going off too see you in two weeks love ya" mom says blowing kisses and giggling like a stereotypical teenage girl

as soon as i hear the door slam i run to my balcony to see them leave i wave at my dad when i see hes getting in the car and he blows me a kiss then my phone buzzes

i smile reading the message from dad


be careful love you xx (:

i type in a quick goodbye and i love

i set my iphone on a speaker set and play all time low and i lay in my room singing along

my stomach grumbles and i think of places that deliver

I wanted Chinese but then I wanted pizza and the Chinese place is far while the pizza was closer so I went Ahead and pressed #3 on my speed dial

its on speed dial after mom and dad

"hello thank you for calling mama mia pizzeria my name is luke and ill be taking your order"

im confused pete was the only one who worked in the pizzeria

the business was stable for one employee i guess because hes aging he needs a bit of help petes dad owns the place why doesnt any of petes brothers work there? never mind its there choice not mine

"umm yes hi, is pete there he takes my order even tho he knows its my usual?" i ask softly trying to not sound rude

"im sorry but pete no longer works here so it's just me Luke?" He says a bit to questioned

"ugh i-i guess , if i may ask what happened too pete?"

"aha my friend now thats a long story mind me taking your order so i can deliver it and spill the beans?" he asked me and of course i want to know what happened to him so i replied with

"1/2 of pepperoni the other half cheese please and the other box you can choose the toppings since i assume it'll take quite a while for me too pickup the beans" i say calmly walking over to my balcony

"sure thing and can i have your adress?"

"3585 sycamore west lane" [a/n its made up so srry if it actually ends up being your address] and with that all you heard was mumbling of okays and him bidding his goodbye

i didnt have to clean the house the house is always clean.

i thought back to last night my thought running around i wanted to get water because i started shaking and it felt like my throat was closing in not only that but it felt like i had hands wrapped around my neck it was so tight

i made it down the stairs passing the living room and into the dinning room and tada the kitchen i grabbed a glass and drank the water but it only made it a bit worse i spit it out because it had gone down the wrong pipe i was gasping for air and wheezing and then i saw it.

i saw the man from my dreams the man who would always look as if he was going to hurt me

he was clever ill tell you that because in every dream it was different ways he would want to hurt me but id always end up in the same room as my mom and dad and then id wake up

creepy they were and so realistic it felt like it did happen and id wake up and shower and find the certain area that the man would hurt and see that it was red i ran to the restroom now thinking of it i was still shaking my heart beating fast i dont know why it was just a dream a vision or some shit

i gasped for air as the cold water and air could be felt against my face

the doorbell rings i pat my face with a towel to take away all the water and make my way downstairs

"sadey is it?" a blue eyed boy says

"im luke the pizza boy" he says flashing a cheeky grin i open the door more for him

"come in luke" and i pay him 40$ and he looks at me strange and says "the pizza is only 20$

"its what I usually give because of service and such" I say like it isn't a biggy because in all honesty it wasn't he looks at me disapprovingly but then puts the money in his pocket

"so bout sir pete..." Luke begins

"he decided it was time to go and take a rest off if the job."

"what?why?" I'm shocked I don't know what to think?

"Well he only spoke about how he's getting old and how he wanted to venture off as mathilde wanted to do so and also about how he has dreams to compromise" Luke said the words flowing off his mouth as if he's told the story many times before

Of course I'm sad that Pete is gone sure he was a pizza delivery guy but he had grown on me and by far the nicest person I've come across

I'm also happy for Pete it's great he's thinking of a life of his own he's even doing something his wife wanted to do on his behalf it's such a beautiful thing.

"Us know all though I'm sad about Pete leaving I'm also happy for pete" I say diligently

Luke raises a pizza in one hand and with the other he places a slice in my hand

"Best wishes for Pete with love from 2 outspoken pizza heads" Luke toast

I play a long and say "best wishes" with that I never stopped smiling that night


Plz let me know if u like it


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