Chapter 1

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Nari ran through the forest, avoiding the bristles of the towering trees and the faint puddles of rain water which covered the forest floor like a blanket. She wrapped her arms tighter around the bundle in her arms so as not to drop its contents on the hardening damp ground. The rain continued to pelt down from the heavens, soaking her clothes and her hair which clung to her body and limited her vision.

She glanced ahead of her in disgust at the sight of the lights which lit up the estate which lay at the end of the horizon as if it was bathing in sunlight and riches while the rest of her world burned to ashes and faded back to dust. The estate which remained desolate without a single soul to occupy its lavish rooms and the gardens which Jimin had slaved away on perfecting. She groaned in frustration at the thought of the man who she once loved – still loved. She grasped onto the coat which kept her warm with a tight hold and yanked the coat tighter around the bundle which she held carefully in her arms; and she trudged on, through the damp caverns and lifeless corridors which lay in her heart.

With every rustle of the leaves and the sounds of the birds, she found her tensed up calloused hand reach for the golden dagger which lay in the pocket against her hips; perfectly and conveniently hidden. Her eyes flicked up to the estate once more, because she could not forget the man who the estate should have belonged to; the first born and not Taehyung. The iron gates loomed over her, taunting her as its shadow covered her face and blocked out what little sunlight had fought to exist.

She crawled through the hole in the fence and rolled over slowly, shivering as the droplets of rain bounced off of the estate's walls and harshly struck her body. He should have been there; he should have greeted her secretly with a small smile and brushed his shoulder against hers as she passed by; because she was always forced to attend the magnificent parties but he never could. She had hated the bright blue which painted her eyes and created a divide between them. They were perfect actors, pretending to be happy despite the legalities which wormed its way into their minds; they were destined to be separated.

She felt a stray tear trickle down her cheek, bleeding into the rain as if it belonged there, reddening her cheeks and painting a portrait of her pain.

"Hush." She whispered, leaning her head against the bundle which lay against her chest; concealed from the rain. She would not find Jimin there; he was not lying hidden behind the vibrant sunflowers which he had so graciously planted with open books and a mug of cold sweetened hot chocolate; he was not where he was meant to be in her mind.

"I don't even know whether he is alive," she choked out to the heavens, whispering violently like a mad woman. Her hair was caked with mud and fallen leaves and twigs crowned her head; throwing her dignity away along with the luxurious nobility which she had been plagued with since she had first opened her little light blue eyes. It had been six months since she had last seen him, six months since he had last kissed her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

If he was alive then both Heaven and Hell was punishing her because he was so close but unreachable; locked in a cage surrounded by depressing grey walls and dampened floors, and the putrid odour of bloody wounds and sweat. He would not survive in prison, not with his rotten soul which had been eaten from the inside from the demon who experimented on him.

A daisy caught her eye; insignificant to most but a beautiful traumatic reminder to her of the love she had both lost and thrown away.

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