Have patience And never settle for less because God wants the best for you
You have to make up in your mind that "i determine not to settle because my worth is too valuable to be anywhere or with someone" God is not forcing you to stay at a job you don't like nor to stay in a relationship (not marriage) you're tired of. we always want to blame other people and the devil for everything that we have complete control of. the devil is not robbing you it's you robbing yourself from excelling and wanting better for your life because you procrastinate, lazy and fearful. quit complaining about your life if your not doing anything to change it.
Praying is good and all but you have to get the stepping and do something! You can sit and listen to sermons all day long but nothing is going to change if you don't move or act! You can pray, dance,shout,speak in tongues but nothing is going to change if you wont take a step! could it be possible that many of us don't know who we are in christ; as a result we settle with anyone and with anything less than who we are in Christ. don't become satisfies with something that should encourage you that you're in a right spot. Don't force yourself to become satisfied with something God never promise for your life. Do you not see your defeating yourself. You're limiting your own potential. You're choosing to live defeated. You're choosing to settle. why live disappointed, frustrated, stressed. Why? those are spirits not of God! when are you going to make change??and the reason why you are frustrated all the time is your staying with someone or something that's restraining your potential and God is trying to shift you into your next level but you're stuck in self pity feeling sorry for yourself
The devil is a liar! theres so much in you that you don't even know because you choose to stay at a place thats limiting you. Time is not waiting on nobody. You can choose to stay at a boat like the rest of the disciples and rock back and forth till your 20, 30, 40, 50, 60... or you can get out of the boat like peter and come from among them and start walking.
Being a christian
SpiritualThis can be helpful when you think everything is falling apart.