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Day Two

(Joey's POV)

"Shane thinks he knows everything." I mumbled.

"We need to fix this..." Anthony whispered. I looked up to him and grabbed my jacket. We are going to tell them everything.

        As we arrived to the hospital, Ian, Shane, Felix, and-Melenie we waiting outside. I guess she recovered. We pulled up to them.

"What the hell are you doin here Joey?!" Shane exclaimed.

"Just, get in." I mumbled. "Before someone gets hurt. We all managed to fit in the car. And we drove off. We went to the Mel's apartment first to drop her off. Melanie tried telling us something the whole ride home, but the doctor reccomended that she not talk for a while. To just take it easy.

        We went back to the Smosh house and Marzia was there waiting for Felix.

"Felix!" Marzia yelled. Felix ran up to her and made sure she was alright. She was, but then someone walked up behind her. Someone we know, London walked up behind her and smiled.

"Don't you dare hurt her!" Felix shreiked.

"Hurt her?" London mumbled. "I would never..." Marzia let London hold her. It looked strange. Strange enough for Felix to not even notice it, Marzia was in love with London.

"Get out of here before I hurt you!" Felix screamed.

"Felix, stop it!" Marzia yelled.

"Marzia, she has been torturing our friends for I don't know how long, London, is not, safe." Felix mumbled. Felix pulled Marzia inside the house and we followed. London drove away in her big van. 

"You don't understand-" Marzia began.

"No, she's dangerous Marzia, stay away from her." Felix stated. Marzia sighed.

(Ian's POV)

I am so tired. I haven't slept for what seems like days. I have tried to take care of Melanie for as long as I can remember, but we are over. I don't love her anymore. I love Anthony.

Next day~ Afternoon

"I should go check on Melanie." I mumbled. We were all sitting in the living room, trying to figure out who would wan to hurt anyone, who could be able to keep such a big secret, who could be A...

"Ok, maybe someone should go with you Ian." Anthony exclaimed.

"No, I'll be fine." I stated.

"No, I'll go with you. You have no choice now." Mazia exclaimed.

"Ok" I gave up. Marzia and I went on our way to Melanie's aparment.

(Felix's POV)

Joey was going to take us to a safe place, from A. We pulled up to an old movie theatre that no one used anymore. Melanie used to take Joey there. No one was there, but it felt like there was someone there. On the stage, there were three couches. By this time, it was already 10:00 at night because it took a while to get there. Ian said he and Marzia would stay at Melanie's place. We made ourselves comfortable on the couches, and slept. I could hear Anthony's teeth grinding all of the way from the other room. Maybe, Shane would dream something useful.

(Ian's POV)

       Marzia is really bonding with Melanie, even though, Melanie could barely speak, and that they have never really met before. Soon after, Marzia went to go get some snacks from downstairs in the building lobby. I laid down with Melanie, then she started saying something.

"What is it?" I asked.

"aa-A" She mumbled.

"What about A? Do you know who it is?" She nodded.

"Mmm-m-" Before Melanie could finish, Marzia walked in with fruit snacks and kool-aids. Melanie smiled and reached out for a kool-aid. Marzia handed her one. She almost gulped the whole juice box down.

"You were saying?" I mumbled. Melanie shook her head, she doesn't want to tell me anymore. I think it's because of Marzia.

"It's ok, she knows everything, we can tell her too." Melanie shook her head. I sighed. "Marzia, could you please excuse us for a moment." I asked.

"Well, I don't feel all that comfortable staying here, so I am just going to go to the theatre with Felix and the guys. Is that ok?"

"Sure." Marzia skipped out of the apartment.

"M-m-Mar-zia" Melanie mumbled.

"Yea, what about her?" I asked.

"aa-A" She forced out.

"She's A?!" I screamed. Melanie nodded. I grabbed my coat and rushed out the door. I have to warn everyone before somone gets hurt.

(Shane's POV)

        We all couldn't sleep. It was way too noisy from all of the streets, so we just stayed up and talked. Then we heard a loud bang coming from the front.

"Who's there?!" Anthony whined. Marzia walked out of the shadows, in a black hoodie. Felix gasped so loud that people from Canada could hear him.

"I have had you all fooled this whole time. Now here's the grand finale." Marzia exclaimed. She jumped up on the stage and pulled out a gun. She wants to kill us all. "And, Shane, if you even try to use those powers of your on me, I'll have you dead in a second." Then out of no-where, Ian stumbled out and pushed Marzia off the stage. There was a huge bang. Blood started pouring out of her head.

Marzia, or A, was dead.

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