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jaebum has to avoid the mess of fluid and stiff bodies to arrive unscathed at the bar. the counter is barely crowded, most are biased to dancing near the pool, in the pool, on the congested floor. how fortunate. he slips onto an empty stool, rapping his knuckles along with the catchy, edm-club-remix of some song on the american top forty. a bartender attends to him, drying a goblet with a white dishcloth.

"the usual?" jinyoung wonders, voice barely drifting above the music. "vodka and a coke?"

he's not in the mood to drink tonight; he's not in the mood to get too drunk and possibly catch the attention of someone who can recognize him.

"mhm," jaebum nods, eyes glancing behind his hunched shoulders at the party jackson prepared to celebrate the start of summer. a great mixer for the new seasonal employees.

speaking of new.

seulgi approaches in an orange sun dress, wooden floral necklace and her hair tied into a bun. a yellow sunflower is tucked behind a ear, complimentary to the ladies from jackson himself.

"hey, neighbour." jaebum straightens himself, and jinyoung tosses a curious gander, eyes shifting. "how was your official second day?"

her freckled shoulders nearly brush against his as she takes the available seat next to him, brushing a stray lock of hair away. "good! except i think i got my back sunburnt." seulgi moves carefully, avoiding to irritate the redden skin between her shoulder blades. "and some kids are a pain."

"that they are," jaebum mumbles on the mouth of the glass jinyoung sets in front of him. he barely tastes alcohol. "jackson does have a nice trick to get them to listen."

"the shark fins? yeah, i had to ask him to whip those out today," she giggles.

jinyoung interrupts, palms flat on the counter. "or you can ask jaebum. he's quite intimidating."

jaebum fixes an audacious glare at the part-time bartender and full-time friend; he's not the least be impressed, lacking an acquired sense of humour when he is the pun of jokes. lame ones at that.

"ah, true. i thought he was going to yell at me when i accidentally mistook his room for mine!" seulgi pipes, eyes bright under the hanging golden glow of the lanterns.

jinyoung's own pair mirrors, mouth subtly parting to a circle. "ooo, do tell—but before that." he stretches a hand out. "i'm jinyoung, a friend of jaebum's!" he nods his head towards the aforementioned.

seulgi squeezes his fingers, smiling. "and i'm seulgi, the new surfing instructor!"

"ah!" jinyoung pieces the information together with ease. "that was you? mark told me what happened thanks to jackson."

"because of jackson," corrects jaebum, tone rough around the edges as he speaks through tight teeth.

with a side-eye, jinyoung ignores him and focuses on seulgi with a friendly crinkle in his gaze. "as an almost victim of jaebum's indignation, allow your first drink to be on me. anything in mind? any favourites?"

tapping her chin, seulgi searches for familiarity in the menu looming behind jinyoung. drinks are written in colourful chalk on a blackboard over a wall of numerous bottles she's ignorant about.

"piña colada?"

grinning, jinyoung spins. "coming right up!" then leaves to fetch what he needs.

finally, jaebum can breathe, exhaling a puff he withheld. "did i really scare you?"

"oh!" seulgi jostles in her seat, mildly startled by the curious ponder. she winces sheepishly. "at first, but you were really nice, so it quickly went away!"

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