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"is he cuter in person?" wendy's squeal fills the room.

seulgi giggles, the phone next to her ear one speaker. "much better looking in person."

"milky skin?"

"no sign of a single blemish."

again, wendy screeched in delight. seulgi can imagine her best friend shaking, toes and fingers curled, eyes tightly shut. and she misses her, wishes they're together—spazzing, gossiping next to one another and not miles apart.

"get his autograph!" wendy's urge breaks through seulgi's thoughts, and she palms her forehead.

"i wanted to! but i was so nervous, and i don't want to bother him while he's on vacation." her lips slant to a faint grimace but is quickly flipped upside down. "i'll try before this summer is over, for sure."

"ah," wendy sighs. "you're so considerate. but he sounds nice, though. didn't get mad as you tried to break into his room." she cackles.

"ha. ha." rolling her eyes, seulgi rolls onto her stomach, tapping the screen of her phone. "funny. but yeah, he seems nice."

"yes, so get that autograph. he's right next door!"

seulgi grinned, tickled by the circumstance. "funny how i meet a korean idol here and not in korea," she snickered.

"ooo." wendy wiggling her eyebrows can be seen. "coincidences are funny. it almost sounds romantic."

"it does not sound romantic." seulgi's head shakes, humoured.

"well, still. it's something to think about."

"i came here for a job, wendy. not anything else." lifting herself onto her feet, seulgi folds her legs and sits on the floor to arrange her things, dismissing infiltrating fantasies.

wendy hollered. "boo! you need to live a little before you're cooped up in med school again!"

pulling clothes onto her lap, seulgi manages a chuckle over her best friend's positivity. "this is why i'm here, surfing. whatever you're insinuating between im jaebum and i is completely unrealistic."

"i insinuated nothing! but think about it, seul." a whine ebbed. "a fling with im jaebum. fans everywhere will be jealous of you."

crawling to the dresser that doubles as television stand, seulgi heaves the top compartment open and neatly shoves her clothes inside. "you read too many manhwa." once again, her head wobbles. "and if that were to happen, fans everywhere will kill me."

a disheartened sigh follows. "still. it will be an unforgettable summer."


as soon as he sees jackson, jaebum pounces. an arm locks his head against his side and a fist messes jackson's neatly combed hair, doing damaging and hurting plenty.

jackson croaks, attempting to weasel from the vice grip. "ah—!"

"how dare you switch my door number." jaw clenched, jaebum only tightens his hold but not hard enough to choke.

"oh." jackson relaxes, batting his lashes sheepishly. "it was all good fun. i thought maybe a cute girl would stop by."

jaebum says nothing then lets go and dusts his hands.

jackson straightens the collar of his blue and green hawaiian shirt, fingers pruning his disheveled hair back to pristine shape. but he catches the silence and steps forward, ignoring personal boundaries as he examines.

"aha!" his mouth stretches to a delighted gasp. "you did meet a cute girl!"

scowling, jaebum casually shakes his head. before he can play it cool another voice chirps.

"jaebum met a cute girl?" mark questioned, hopping in the staff lounge with a mischievous mug. "when? why was i not there?"

"jackson switched my door number with someone else." jaebum's eyes rolled, arms folding over his chest.

mark's eyes go round but a light bulb twinkles. "oh my god. with what room? 707?"

jaebum's bewildered, brows shoot upwards as jackson claps proudly, body shaking with laughter.

"yeah! do you remember who's in that room? is she cute?"

"well..." mark eyes jaebum from his peripheral, ends of his lips curling upwards. "in my opinion, she's quite cute. but—!" he holds his hand, keeping jackson in place from losing it. "it gets better! she's the new surfing instructor!"

yodelling with exuberance, jackson pushes himself off jaebum's shoulders and parades around the room as if he got away with the crime of the century. "i have to meet her! did she say anything when she saw you? was she starstruck?"

out of irritation, jaebum grounds his molars together. the vein in his neck enhanced.

"of course she was," he bit harshly. "but that's it. don't get your panties twisted. i don't know why you insist on me meeting someone. i'm not interested."

jackson and mark exchange knowing looks before the former drapes an arm around jaebum. "you're on vacation and away from seoul. you can freely date here and not have to worry about anyone finding out! you should jump on this opportunity and stop being such a workaholic."

"he's right. you should meet new people. real people who won't be after your fame," adds mark, palms resting flat on a table.

"thanks but..." jaebum groans, pulling jackson away from him. "if this new surfing instructor recognizes me, i'm sure others will, too. it's only a matter of time. besides, i came here for inspiration—"

"and we're trying to set you up with a pretty girl who might make your summer unforgettable!" jackson hollers as jaebum turns away, making his way out of the staff quarters he has no business in.

jaebum snorts, flicking his wrist. "no thanks." then the door opens and shuts after him, leaving mark and jackson to stare at one another.

"talk to him," one persists, stretching an arm in the direction their friend was in.

mark's shoulders roll, settling hitched as he puts weight on his hands propped on the surface of the rectangular table. "you know bum-ah. he doesn't listen to anyone. let him spend this break however he pleases."

out of luck and empty of debate, jackson twists his mouth and surrenders, his eyes fixated on the door. "i just want him to have fun. to remember he's more than im jaebum the idol."


hello! thank you always for the support & feedback! ♡ sorry if there are any errors. will fix one day. haha. 

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