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(Broken heart..)

Travis's POV
I was sitting in bed all alone, my roommate, Zane was out on a date...with my best friend Dante....I have a huge crush on Zane but he has a and Zane were really close, but it all changed on that day....

-Flash back-
Travis's POV:
Me and Zane were dancing to our favourite song in the living room, I was spinning him and dipping him while he giggled and laughed, I smiled at how cute he was, I kissed him and he was really shocked, he pushed me off making me hit the floor "OW!" I rubbed my back and looked up at Zane a little hurt "WHAT THE HELL TRAVIS!?" He yelled, I started to tear up
I knew it...
He doesn't like me back....
Im so stupid....
"T-Travis....?" At this point I was crying, I got up and ran to my room crying, I shut and locked my door, I slid down the dark wooden door and sat there crying in my knees...
Thats the day it all changed...

-back to the present-
Travis's POV:
Im a hair was messy, I haven't showered in weeks, and I had the same clothes on since the day that happened...I was cutting my wrists letting blood run down my now pale skin and drip to the floor making a tiny puddle, I heard a knock on the door, I didn't move, I just kept cutting and cutting..."Travis...please come out...." I heard that voice and my heart broke more....It was Zane...."Im busy....leave me alone please..." I tried to sound ok but my sobs were very noticeable "but I have news Travis!" I heard him yell, I sighed, I put on a huge sweater and walked out, Zane stood there with Dante holding his hand
My heart broke even more...
"What is it?..." they looked at each other then back at me "Travis, Im moving out and moving in with Dante!" Zane smiled brightly
Heart breaks even more...
"W-w-what?...." I stuttered out, they instantly noticed my sadness, Zane looked up at me "Travis its ok, we can still hang out all the time!" He smiled more, tears started running down my cheeks "y-y-yeah...." Dante looked really worried "Trav-" I cut him off by slamming my door shut and locking it "TRAVIS!" Zane yelled, he started banging on my door "TRAVIS WHATS WRONG!?" He yelled, I grabbed my razor and cut deeper then before, sending blood running and dripping everywhere, I cried in emotional pain, they could obviously hear me because they tried to get in but after a bit they stopped, and I heard footsteps walk down the stairs and leave the house
They left me....

-time skip-
Travis's POV:
I was in shock, Dante and Zane are getting married?...Dante walked over to me "your gonna be my best man right?" He smiled sweetly down at me "y-y-ya of course..." Garroth and Laurance know I have a huge crush on Zane, they told Dante and the others they were gonna talk to me alone, they actually took me home so they could comfort me, I cried on Garroth's chest almost all night...
-time skip-
Travis's POV:
I was getting drunk, like really drunk...Garroth and Laurance kept an eye on me, I got up after seeing Zane and Dante dancing, I broke down in tears, Zane saw and started to get really worried, Gar and Laur ran over and took me out, once again I cried on Gars chest, him and Laur tried to calm me down, but nothing worked anymore....
I was broken....I was going to kill myself....
-time skip-
Travis's POV:
I was in my room with only pants on, on my knees with a knife to my chest, my door was locked so no one could save me, I already wrote my death note so I was all ready....goodbye everyone....
the knife went in my chest...
Gar's POV:
I ran into Travs's house, he sent me and Laur suicide notes by text, I ran up the stairs and kicked his door down "TRAVIS!!" I saw him laying there, bleeding out, I ran to him and felt his pulse, he had no pulse...."TRAVIS NO!!!" I broke down in tears, Laur, was on his way with the ambulance

Why did you leave us...
-time skip-
Zane's POV:
I was crying my eyes out after I saw Travs suicide note, he loved me and I broke him....I should have known when he kissed me that night....Im so its to late...he's gone....
Dante was trying to cheer me up by getting me ice cream but I didn't touch it "Zuzu need to let Trav go...he's gone....we can't do anything about it...." he was upset and he didn't sleep for a few weeks, but Dante doesn't like showing his feelings about others a lot, its cute. I got up "I need to go...." I looked at him, he knew what I men't and he nodded, I walked to a cemetery where he laid 6 feet under
Travis's grave...
I cried as I sat his favourite flowers on his grave, along with a heart locket I got for him but never got to give him, I also pulled out a knife....
It's my fault he's dead....
I should have been the one to die....
I held the knife to my stomach, and stabbed it deep inside my gut and twisted it, I fell beside Travis's grave, slowly bleeding out, then I saw a face, my heart started beating again, and the wound healed, I looked at the face

I fainted....
I cry-  

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2018 ⏰

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