Your Adversary: The Devil

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1 Peter 5:8
Colossions 1:13-14
Luke 12:32
Matthew 11:12
Someone's trying to keep you from receiving what the Father wants to give you.
The enemy doesn't want to give you up.
We are in a battle.
John the Baptist lived between the law and grace.
We live between grave and the Millinal reign.
We're In a battle and a Spiritual War.
Its not against the Muslims or flesh and blood; its against the Devil.
Ephions 6:12
The battle is for your soul.
It is a battle.
It's not about you.
God has blessed us.
You can sit on a church pew and spend eternity with your adversary.
We need to know who the enemy is...
The Devil is our enemy.
He was an archangel.
The reason why there's so much trouble in the church with music is because Lusicfer was a worship leader.
He tried to split the church.
He was perfect in all of his ways UNTIL evil was there.
He got prideful because of his beauty.
He got corrupted by his wisdom.
Names of the Devil:
Luke 10:18



Evil/Wicked one

Angel of Lies

Wolf in sheep's clothing

Matthew 4
John 17
Thief and robber
John 10:10
God of this world

Job 1 and 2

Your Adversary
Your enemy
We need to know how the enemy operates...
Romans 7
Galations 5:17
1 Peter 2:11
From your flesh
The world
Moves in opposition to God
1 John 2:15-16
Someone in this generation is gonna make a noise that's gonna shake the nation!
We need to know what the enemy wants...
He doesn't care if you come to church.
He's trying to keep us out of the Kingdom of God.
2 Corintians 4:3
Don't be silent. Don't hide the gospel.
There has to be a change or you are deceived.
Fight to stay in the Kingdom.
The enemy wants to keep us down.
We win if we stay in the fight.
The devil wants to take us where he will spend an eternity.
I'm gonna win.
Jesus didn't tap.
1 Timothy
2 Timothy 4:7
The enemy can't cross the blood line!!!!
There is POWER POWER wonder working power in the Blood of the Lamb!!!!!!
The overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of Our Testimony.
He can't hurt you if you have on the whole Armor.
Ephians 6
We are a threat to the Devil.
Choose to put the armor on.
We need to know what the enemy can't do...
He can't read your mind, but he can understand your words.
He can't keep you from reaping a good harvest.
Do you really believe what you say you believe?
Let us not grow weary in doing good.
The Church of the Living God will prevail.
God is going to have a church.
He's coming back after a prevailing church.
God will be done with our life when He says we're done.
He's never lies on anything.
He's never failed me yet.
God's word is gonna be fulfilled.
How big is the Devil to you?
Is he a big as God?
Don't give the Devil all the credit for the things you lost.
God and the Devil aren't equal.
Revelation 1:8 & 18
For a good army to fight, they must know their adversary.
Greater is He that is in me than he who is in the world.
The enemy doesn't want you to come to the fight.
God wants you to do something.
The Devil is defeated and everything he says is a lie

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2018 ⏰

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