My Goddess ~Peter Quill~ *Fluff*

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I groaned as I got my jacket off 'damn...Gamora needs to find less dangerous missions for us to go on...everything hurts right now...' I groaned again as I went to take my shirt off. "Hey beautiful..." Quill said as he walked in and started undressing as well. "Peter...a Lil help..." I winced in pain as he got my shirt off for me. "Thanks baby..." I sat on our bed, "god...that last mission nearly killed me..." I sighed getting my pants off "I know...I was there" he said taking off his pants "I say...ugh...that we take an R & R day on Xandar...take a week off...y'know" I groaned in pain once more.

"You know Gamora wouldn't allow that" he sighed climbing in bed next to me. "Aren't you the captain?" I asked him as he put on some music. "Last I checked...but Gamora scares me Y/ know this..." he wrapped his arm around me. "She doesn't scare me..." I gave him a look as he kissed my nose, "is it because your planet has a shit ton of dangerous things?" he raised an eyebrow. I chuckled "Asgard isn't all that dangerous." I smiled at him, he returned the smile. "Tell me about your home again..." he brought me closer to him, I sighed. "Asgard is one of the nine realms...along with where you're from...Midgard..." I told him "do you guys have a king or anything like that?" he smiled hugely. He always liked hearing about Asgard my home, I told him very little as to why I was banished from home. Loki pulled some shit, I sided with him and then Odin banished me to Xandar where I met Quill.

"Our king is Odin Allfather...our queen is Frigga...and the two princes are Thor Odinson and Loki Laufeyson...they were my best friends..." I sighed, "which one did you like more?" he asked softly "(your preference)" I replied snuggling up to him. "What about you? Are you a goddess?" he asked as I looked up at him. "Loki used to say I was the goddess of beauty and stuff like that...but I'm pretty sure he was only playing with my emotions because he's the god of trickery..." I told him while sighing. We were silent for a moment, "do you miss it?" he asked once more. "Peter...I'm 130 years old...I spent 95% of my life on Asgard...and the other five percent on this ship. I'm always going to miss's my home..." I told him.

"That's true in a way..." he said as I rolled over and started to fall asleep. "Good night..." he kissed my cheek "my goddess..." with that we drifted off into sleep.

Peter Quill/Chris Pratt ~Smut & Fluff~Where stories live. Discover now