I Always Get The Truth ~Peter Quill~ *Smut*

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Note: I don't own this. This belongs to im-an-octopus on Tumblr.

After the green woman slapped you for the tenth time, you were sure of two things: the first being that your face was probably half torn off and bleeding, and the second being that you weren't going to be leaving this ship any time soon. If you even left at all.

No, don't think like that, you're getting out of here. Somehow.

She slapped you again.

Maybe not.

"Look," you tried desperately. "I don't know who Ronan is. I don't know what the orb is. I don't know what an infinity stone is. I don't even know what planet this is. Please just let me go!"

"Spare us your lies, thief," a tattooed man grunted from the corner. It was the first time he'd said anything since your interrogation began, but one look at those bulging muscles made you thankful that it was the green woman smacking you around and not him.

"This is takin' too long, we ain't got time for this!" Rocket—the only one of your captors whose name you had picked up on—snapped angrily as he paced around the green woman's feet. His tail swished back and forth, and if you weren't currently tied to a chair surrounded by a bunch of psychopaths, then you would've been compelled to reach forward and scratch him behind the ears. You usually had a weakness for furry animals.

"I am Groot."

Oh shit. Did that tree just talk...? You were fucked. You were completely and utterly fucked.

"No, Groot. We shouldn't let her go," Rocket spat and your ears pricked up. You had no idea how he got 'let her go' from 'I am Groot' but you could roll with it.

"Please, I didn't mean anything by it. I swear I'll never bother any of you again if you just let me leave now—"

"What is going on here!?"

Simultaneously, everyone's heads turned towards the door where a figure wearing a red leather trench coat stepped forward. His face was hidden by a mask with glowing red eyes and small breathing tubes...or perhaps it wasn't a mask and he was just a robot, in which case you were prepared to break down and cry. Robots were never good news. But then he pressed his fingers behind his ear and the mask began to fold away, revealing not a robot, but a very, very, very attractive man.

"Quill we're interrogating—" the green woman began, but she was cut off as he threw his satchel to the ground much rougher than needed.

"Interrogating!? Since when are we interrogating people on my ship!?"

"Since we found a lead on getting to Ronan," she replied through gritted teeth. He pinched the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes shut.

"Jesus Christ. I leave you all alone for an hour and I come back to you interrogating random girls."

"Did you not hear the green whore? She can help us get to Ronan!"

You nearly burst into laughter at the sudden, and completely uncalled for, an insult that came from the one with the tattoos, but the woman in question also happened to be the one who was beating you senseless and you felt that irritating her more probably wasn't exactly smart. Besides, everyone around you had now erupted into one large, jumbled argument that you saw that a potential chance to escape. But just as you began to formulate a plan, mask-guy puffed out his chest and jabbed his finger towards the door.

"Out. All of you. Out."


"Can it, Gamora. You might be all high and mighty out there, but in here this is still my ship and on my ship, I get to make the orders. So get. Out."

Peter Quill/Chris Pratt ~Smut & Fluff~Where stories live. Discover now