Nutella and Waffles

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"Raven! The boys are here!" I heard my mom yell from the bottom of the stairs.

Instead of actually getting up I groaned and rolled over, shoving my face into one pillow and using another to cover my head.

A few minutes later I heard three sets of feet running up the stairs and down the hall towards my room. Then I heard someone shush the others before opening the door. But they weren't exactly quiet since all three of them were giggling as they walked in.

Before they had a chance to pounce on me and start jumping on my bed to wake me up like they always do if I don't immediately run down the stairs to greet them when my mom tells me they're here, I quickly take the pillow that was covering my head and whip it at the first one to walk through my door. And of course it just had to be Remington.


"Ugh! You guys suck! I swear I can't get a minute of sleep when you're around." I nagged at the three of them.

Sebastian laughed, "Its not our fault you stay up till 3 A.M."

"And sleep till noon." Remington chimed in, pointing at me with a that stupid, cute grin on his face.

"So?! You three do it too!" I groaned, shoving my face back into my pillows.

"True, but we're also in a band and play shows almost every night." Emerson said. I pretended to snore as loud as I could.

"See, I told you she snored in her sleep!" Sebastian yelled. Emerson and Remington laughed with him then all three of them hopped on my bed and started jumping all over.

"Come on Snoring Beauty! Let's get a move on, we got things to do!" Remington yelled while standing over me and shaking me violently.

I laughed and squealed, "Alright! Alright! I'll get up!"

They stopped jumping around on my bed and let me get up. Then the boys stood there for a moment starring at me. "Are you gonna leave so I can get dressed or what..?" I asked.


About 10 minutes later I came down stairs, into the kitchen with my hair brushed and braided, in a baggy hoodie with the tank top I was sleeping in underneath, a pair of shorts, and my favorite pair of slippers.

About 10 minutes later I came down stairs, into the kitchen with my hair brushed and braided, in a baggy hoodie with the tank top I was sleeping in underneath, a pair of shorts, and my favorite pair of slippers

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"Morning sweetie." My mom said when I walked past her as she was pouring probably her 15th cup of coffee.

"Morning mom." I said through a yawn while pulling out the frozen waffles from the freezer and plopping them in the toaster

While they were cooking, or well, toasting, I pulled my self up on to the counter and decided to scroll through instagram waiting for them to pop up. The first post I saw was from Remington. It was a picture of him and his brothers posing outside my front door and the caption read, "Just 2 more days until we go on tour! Time to spend some quality time with family before we leave"

Although I'm not actually related to them, we do think of each other as family sometimes. Our moms were best friends and went to school together so naturally all four of us grew up together and get invited to each others Christmas parties and big family dinners. The boys even asked me once to join their band when they were first starting out and playing at random places in and around the town we live in. That was before they decided on the name Kropp Circle, which I actually helped them come up with. Of course that's something we all bring up and laugh about now but at the time, they really loved the idea.

I liked his post and thought it would be funny to leave a comment "Aw how sweet of you!" I typed out and hit send. Soon my waffles were done and I quickly pulled them out and dropped them on a paper plate. After spreading on a little bit of butter and Nutella on them, I grabbed the step-stool my mom kept by the side of the fridge and used it to get the maple syrup down from the cabinet above me.

"Need a little help there shorty?" I heard Sebastian ask from behind me.

"Hey! Just because I'm only 5 feet tall doesn't mean I still can't kick your ass!" I said hopping off the stool.

"Uhm yes it does little birdie." He laughed while getting a water bottle from the fridge, using the nickname him and his brothers all call me.

I scuffed. "Little birdie." It was a nickname the three of them came up with when I was a freshman in high school. Essentially like the fourth member of the band. The vampire, the gentleman, the pirate, and the Raven - or little bird. But it was also a way for them to pick on how short I was.

"It's 'Raven', you dickweed" I glared at him trying not to smile.

"Whatever short-stack, we're all waiting for you in the living room." He said turning around and walking out of the kitchen

"The shorter we are the closer we are to Satan!" I yelled at him, but all he did was laugh.


In the living room, Sebastian  was sitting in one of the reclining chairs channel surfing, while Remington and Emerson were sitting on either side of the couch scrolling through their phones.

I grabbed the remote out of Seb's hand, put on a show I recorded a few nights ago, and sat down in between the other two.

"Hey, I was using that!" Seb yelled at me

"Not anymore!" I laughed. He stuck his tongue out at me and I returned the favor.

"You are so childish" My mother chuckled from in the other recliner next to Sebastian where she was busying herself by knitting

"Well duh, I'm your child, mom" I said while cutting into my waffles

Just before I took a bite I heard Remington sniff and then ask "Is that Nutella on those waffles?"

I rolled my eyes and handed my fork over to him, who happily took the first bite of my waffles. "You know you could make your own right? I mean you three practically live here."

"Nah! Why do that when I can just eat yours? Besides, they taste better when you make them." He spoke through a mouth full and smiled.

"I hate all three of you" I laughed after snatching my fork back from Rem's sticky fingers.

"No you don't!" The three of them spoke back to me in unison.

((A/N: hiya! this is a new story idea that popped into my head so I hope you guys really like it. Please vote and comment if you do, thank you~ [this story is also on Quotev under the same title] ))

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