Sleepover? Sleepover!

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((A/N: The pic was me when I found out there was a gODDAMN BEE IN MY ROOM. LIKE WTF ITS JANUARY??? WHAT KIND OF MUTANT BEE ARE YOU?!))

After we all stuffed ourselves with copious amounts of Taco Bell, the four of us all sat in silence due to our food comas. Remington was sprawled out on the couch, Emerson was almost falling asleep on the loveseat, Sebastian was snoring in a recliner, and I was laying on the floor.

"Guys," I said lifting up my shirt to expose my stomach. "Look at my food-baby."

I patted my tummy which lead to me letting out one of the loudest belches in my entire life. Seb was scared awake and sprung up from the chair, "What's happening? What's going on?!" He yelled, looking panicked.

The rest of us were laughing too hard to speak. Remington laughed so much he fell off the couch. This made me curl up into the fetal position as I clutched my sides continuing to laugh. Emerson had his head in between his knees while taking deep breaths to keep from exploding into another fit of laughter.

"I think I might pee my pants!" I said practically crying.

"Duuuude you just got the shit scared out of you by Raven's burp"


I looked at the time on my phone and saw that it read 9:30 P.M. and I started to wonder if the boys were going to stay the night since it was pretty dark out.

"Hey, losers!" I said to whoever would answer. "Do you guys plan on spending the night?"

All the three of them looked at me, then at each other, then back at me and nodded.

"Yeah, that sounds like fun! We could build a blanket fort and watch The Office and Harry Potter and eat popcorn and candy and a shit ton of other junk food!" Remington said, embracing his inner child.

"Awesome! Im sure my mom will say yes but I'm gonna go ask her just in case." I said while standing up

Just then my phone vibrated. When I looked at the notification I saw that it was a text from Emerson.

   Lol are you gonna try to cuddle with Remington ;)

   pFFt  w h A t ? ! nO!

   lmao you soooo want to

   stfu Em


I looked up from my phone and gave Emerson a death glare. He only winked at me in return. As I walked towards my mom's room I hit the back of Emerson's head, knocking his hat off.

Just before knocking at door at the end of the hall where my mom's room was I heard Remington laugh and Sebastian ask what that was about.


After the four of us all had our pajamas on and turned the entire living room into one giant blanket fort we made a giant bowl of popcorn and put in the first Harry Potter movie

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After the four of us all had our pajamas on and turned the entire living room into one giant blanket fort we made a giant bowl of popcorn and put in the first Harry Potter movie. Since both Remington and I were huge Harry Potter fans he and I spent the entire time watching the movie and quoting it word for word, annoying the shit out of his brothers.

When we were younger Rem was the one who actually introduced me to the Harry Potter films. His mom took him and his brothers to go see the first movie for his birthday and months later after it had come out on DVD we saw it in a movie rental store we'd always go to when the boys slept over at my house or I went to theirs. After asking my mom if we could rent it along with a few other kid-friendly movies that we all loved we drove home and did the exact same thing we're doing now. Lay sprawled out on the living room flood under a huge blanket fort in our pajamas with a giant bowl of popcorn.

From then on Remington and I have gone to see every single Harry Potter movie together. We even saved our ticket stubs and have dorky photo strips you get in those cheesy photo booths. But the sad thing is that I'm not entirely sure if he'll be back from touring in time for the release of the newest film. I told him it was okay and that we could watch it together when it comes out on DVD but in all honesty, I was really devastated that I wouldn't be able to go see it with him.

((A/N: I'm so sorry it took forever for me to update ; ; My family and I just moved into a new house and we've been getting everything settled and once that was done I tried to sit down and write but I got a bad case of writers block but I pushed through it and finished this chapter so I hope you all like it :) Stay safe and watch movies! Love you~))

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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