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"My goodness.."

You couldn't agree more with her. Your first period classroom was almost unrecognizable through its untidiness, and unorganized set of desks and chairs. Papers scattered around the floor, piles of pencils in different areas, boards occupied with foul languages, it was like a zoo. Students inside were clearly worsening the situation, and you could only shake your head in dismay.

With an exhausted sigh, you made your way to your desk, dusting away the fallen papers and pencil shavings off. Your friends took their seats as well, which wasn't much of a problem, considering you all would close to each other, in case of group projects, movement won't be required.

A crumpled paper landed on the floor to your right, distance not much away from your bag. It wasn't ripped or anything, and not as majorly crumpled as those you've dusted off. With a quick, light hand, you swiftly took the fallen note, in crumpling it with ease, earning a few curious stares from your companions all around. Luckily, they didn't bother to really look over your shoulder as you read the said note.

'He is so not cute??

Um.. admit it! He is..! Oh god I would ask him out after school..!

Ohhhhh gosh girl ;) good luck in getting a home run'

You nearly gagged at their message, uck! It sounded rather cheesy and all... girly. However, you were almost ready to burst when this midterm boy was failed to be revealed, hence why your brain clouded with unanswerable questions. So much, you couldn't even feel Judy's hand shaking the earth out of you.

"Hello..?! Earth to miss Hermione here! Do you read us..?!"

Blinking back to reality, and a shaking head to recollect your thoughts, you turned to meet the concerned gazes from your mates. Giving them a reassuring smile, you saw them relax in their seats, until Ella's voice broke the awkward atmosphere.

"What happened...? A-Are you alright..?" Ella asked, evidently worried.

Beth added, "Yeah! What was in that note thing?" You handed her the note, which she scanned rapidly, and the moment her brows raised, you knew you both shared the same thought bubble.


Judy's eyes bulged, slightly puzzled, "What?! What is going on?"

You leaned back against your seat, running a hand through your scalp in hopes of calming your brain down. It was obvious you were stressed out, but what was the big deal about this anyway? T'was only some stupid message. Why was it such a bother?

"Well we-"


A booming, loud strict voice scared the daylights out of you, well practically everyone in the whole room. Each student dropped down from their desks, and sat to their chairs properly, back straight hands replacing their butts on the desks. A couple of them nearly fainted, maybe 2 or 3 were sweaty from their nervousness.

You were rather nervous too, but still the message flashed back in your mind. Who were they speaking off? Inhaling a batch of fresh air, you exhaled, finally earning the strength to calm down.

Your eyes traveled to your new teacher, as he cleared his throat loudly, sniffing his snot. Gross. He was stacking pieces of paper, and judging from the contents, it was work, and meant for all of you to finish and turn in. And it can't get any worse can it?

He introduced himself, uncapping the marker he'd picked up, "Good morning, seniors." His voice wasn't as loud as before, fortunately. He turned around and began to write his name, under a quick, rather messy penmanship.

"My name is Mr. Uranius Johnson. But you all address to me as Mr. Johnson- Young man, why are laughing?!"

You whipped your head to a boy, slumping on his seat. He'd covered his mouth to prevent causing a scene of laughter, "Sir' you spelled 'Uranus' wrong."

Mr. Johnson narrowed his eyes, "I was not intending to spell out the name of a planet, young man. Please, keep your thoughts to yourself." Harsh.

He capped the marker once again, before leaning against the desk, hands placed on either sides. He scanned the room, mumbling numbers under his breath. Possibly taking attendance?

"Hm, we're missing one-"


The door abruptly opened, the whole room, almost synchronized, snapping your attention to the sudden visitor.

"-student," Mr. Johnson hesitantly finished. The boy was chewing his gum nonchalantly, as if he gave no cares if whether or not he'll be asked for detention, for eating in class, not to mention, chewing gum.

You didn't feel right about this guy, almost as if he had horrible intentions, judging by his clothing style, sense of fashion, and the evident hickeys scattered on his neck. Since his shirt was slightly unbuttoned, you even caught the sight of more markings on his collarbones. His hair was disheveled, giving away the idea that he'd probably had a session early, causing him to be tardy possibly. So far, you disliked this boy.

"I'm late, none of your business. Where do I sit, old man?"

The whole class was taken back by his rude comment, but the furious look on our teacher's face made it an humiliating experience. Not even bothering to wait for his reply, he took the seat, farthest to back, right. Luckily for us, we sat in the middle left, which gave us less access for any disturbance for him.

"Who are you? Are you the new student, boy?" Johnson questioned, almost losing his patience. New kid..? The message! Of course-

"I have a name y'know, Mr.Johnson," he emphasized.

"State your name," He growled.

The student simply smirked, biting his lip and swinging his legs over to his desk before replying.

"Robbie Kay, at your service."

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