- A New Enemy -

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Peculiarly, class seemed to have ended quickly. You felt miserable though. For once you were beginning to enjoy his company. To your surprise, even his snarky, and teasing comments would often make you laugh or giggle. It was rather odd. Why is he making you feel this way? Nonetheless, you ignored the feeling of misery. With a gloomy expression, you headed towards your next class, quite unaware of a certain someone's presence.

Tap. Tap.

Turning around, "Why the long face? What, did your cat die or something? Or was it your pet gold fish?"

He gave you a playful shove, as you silently laughed behind your books. You shook your head, "N- No. I was just.. remembering something."

"C'mon," he scoffed, swinging an arm over you as the two of you trudged to chemistry, "care to share it with me?"

You froze, feeling your cheeks heat up. You couldn't bare to see his face if you tell him the truth! The poor boy would die from excessive laughing. Shrugging his hand off, you replied.

"No, it's nothing important."

"Well if you looked less gloomy, I would've let that excuse slide. Seriously though."

"It's... nothing, I promise."


You decided to cut him off, "We'll be late for class!"

Unaware of your (stupid) actions, you grabbed his hand and practically yanked him to your next class. The sudden gesture may have confused him, but to you, you swore your heart swelled even to the lightest gesture. The smile on your lips couldn't help to fade, as the bell rang just in time, when your foot stepped inside the class. Gladly, you weren't late.


"Robbie Kay, tardy. 20 min. of detention after school."

The boy beside you groaned in response, but held no will in fighting. He muttered about 'being late... for home again' as he walked to his seat. You couldn't help but to wonder. Why does he suddenly care about being tardy?

A cough interrupted you, "If you would also take your seat, young lady, it would be appreciate so I could maybe begin the lesson?"

Frantic, you rushed to your empty desk, bowing to your teacher in apology. Luckily he didn't assign you detention, whatsoever.

Your mind was still completely distracted. You kept thinking to his sudden puzzling actions.

"Being late ..for home again?" you mumbled. What bothered him? Did he have some businesses at home to manage?

But you thought back to the times where he would constantly get detention. His replies consisted of a smirk, and an 'I-Don't-Really-Care' attitude. This time, he was grumbling, he seemed angry.

You turned your head towards him. He was drifted off to dreamland, ears occupied with loud music from his ear phones. The teacher didn't seem to care and continued on with his lecture. Maybe he was used to seeing him behave that way. After all, he is a trouble maker. A trouble maker who might contain a soft spot for his home... you guessed.

After the period had ended, you were tempted to talk to him about his problem. However, you were rather slow on packing, when someone, you assumed his friend, tapped his shoulder and woke him up. Almost immediately, he rushed out of the room along with them, you failed to catch up to him. You sighed, dropping your remaining supplies inside, pushing your chair in before walking out of the room. Your next class wasn't with him; he had math, you had you elective class. That same gloomy expression you had earlier played again, but this time, no one didn't cheer you up.

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