Lemonade (2)

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((Just gonna warm you, there's some swearing in this story.))


I felt my cheeks heat slightly as I pulled my food closer to nibble away. The table was quite until Matt spoke up, "We should get together this weekend!"

"Matt, we always get together on weekends." Tord sighed, it was true. Every weekend Tom, Tord, Matt and I hold a sleepover. The turns to have it at their house is random sooo, yeah.

Matt cleared his throat, "Well, now that Edd is with us I think we should invite him. He seems like a nice guy and I'm sure all of us would love to get to know him more!" I saw Edd's shoulders perk at the compliments he was given.

"Sounds good, who's house?" Tord asked, forgetting about the wheel.

"It was you last time, so mine." I smiled, taking one last bite out of my F/F and whipping my mouth. I plopped a piece of gum in my mouth so my breath wouldn't stink.

Edd spoke up, finally, "I don't have anything planned... I'm sure I could make it."

I could almost feel Matt's eyes glow up, "Perfect! I set in stone now, we'll all go to Y/N's house on Saturday and stay till Sunday!"

Tom laughed, "Hope you don't mind us talking all night. We stay up every time."

"I don't mind, I stay up pretty late and I've done many all nighters in my life." Edd smiled at Tom. I could tell they were great friends already.

I felt this pang in my throat, I've felt it before. When Tom got the last cookie instead of me. Jealousy.

I don't blame myself, I mean... those cookies looked very good and I was the only who didn't get one but why did I feel jealousy when Edd was being so friendly to Tom.

Was Edd a cookie? No, Y/N, don't think like a cannibal. It had to be another reason...

Was it because I loved cookies and Tom got it instead of me? Do I love... E-Edd? Why am I stuttering in my mind?! I just met him for crying out loud and now I sound like a cliché main character.

"Y/N are you listening?" Tord waved his hand in front of my face.

I shook my head and looked at him with wide eyes, "W-What?"

"Don't you give me that stutter missy!" He playfully said as he lightly punched my arm, "We're going to watch Insane Pirate Zombies From Hell! It's a new movie that came out, people say it's pretty good!"

"Insane Pirate Zombies From Hell? Sounds like bull crap." Tom snickered.

"Bull crap indeed. But who doesn't want some of that in their life?" Matt smiled.

"Jesus Christ, Matt just said something really smart and... and artistic!" I laughed after I faked to be surprised.

"Everyone needs some bull crap in their life. Words by Matt Hargreaves!" Tord clapped at him, we all joined in and soon the whole table was clapping at Matt. We are shushed by the table behind me so we stopped.

"Dicks." Tord muttered and I laughed.

<Cola, Candy, Cake> (Edd x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now