A moment to share

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Sonic is currently asleep
Amy's Point Of View
He won't wake up...Its been....uhh...10? Maybe 12 hours? I'm not sure I'll ask a doctor...i walk up to one of the doctors "How long has it been since he passed out?" Doctor:At least 13 hours.... I'm sorry....I'm afraid this weird pain has ended him....The doctor closed his eyes "n-no......no thats not true!" The doctors tell me to leave...they said they will report back if sonic wakes up by tomorrow.....if he doesn't wake up by 9pm tomorrow...they will put him in a grave....marking him dead...
-A Few Hours pass....Its 12 am.....no sign of movement....-
Doctor POV
He either wakes up in 10 minutes or doesent....if he doesent....we will burry him....
-10 Minutes passed.....no movment....-
Thats it....hes gone......
it became daytime as the doctor told amy...its time to burry him....
a few hours pass...all his friends and family are at the church...ready to lay sonic to rest....amy would be crying
They placed sonic in the cofin...and buried him....Everyone left....amy was still there...Curled up in a ball mon the chair...Tears engulfing her eyes.....she had fallen asleep
(Sorry for not updating and sorry for the short chapter

When a prince of speed meets a girl he likes (Sonamy FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now