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___ Jack's POV__

@Jackavarymusic :  On our way to adopt a hybrid! Hope we get a cutie!

Almost instantly people started retweeting it, favoriting it and replaying.

"I just don't understand Why do we have to adopt a hybrid?! A filthy hybrid!" Jonah whinned for about the millionrh time.

Me and my wolf alone with the guys and their wolves, were getting really annoyed. Yes I said Wolves. Yes, we are werewolves, and were also the biggest boy band in the world, why don't we.

But fans know what we are. Saying as there are a lot of us around the world.

Because, Jonah Management says it'll help our publicity if we show our responsible side!" Daniel snapped, running a hand through his hair.

"Besides Im quite exited! What type of hybri?" I asked, looking at the boys.

No replies.

"I guess we'll know which one were getting there." Corbyn said with a shrug.

"Alright" I replayed.

"I swear.... If this hybrid talks in third person and also stutters like all the other stupid hybrids I've seen, I'm going to beat the living hell out of it!" Jonah growled.

"Jonah!" I snapped completely flabbergated, "It's not an it they are a person! and you will not hurt them!"

"Whatever...." He muttered

( at the Hybrids adoption center)

" Hi welcome to Sam's Adoption Center! Would you like to take a look around or is there someone you've seen specifically?" A very cheery teenage girl said as we entered the waiting room.

"Um no we are just going to look around." I said , a bit excited.

__ Zach's POV__

"Wake up mutts they're are people here looking for a hybrid!" A voice screamed pulling me out of my un-peaceful sleep.

I kitten streched as much as I could in this small cage and turned so I was looking out the cage door, waiting for the new people not to even Take a glance at me.

My cage is on the bottom, and all that's in here is a bowl containing dried cat food. It's not very good but, I'm not going to starve more then I already am.

"Alright look around these mutts and come to me once you've found one." I heard a man say his feet walking past my cage.

He hated Me the most out of all us hybrids.

He stopped by my cage and kicked it, making it shake I let out a startled whimper, curling myself back as I could.

I heard him laugh as he left the room. Almost instantly the new people started walking around.

"Oh this one is a Cutie!"

"This one got pretty eyes!"

"Im bored!"

"This one is a....sleep...."

Someone stopped in front of my cage, not looking into it but I saw their feet! Nice shoes.... Their shoe lace was untied and and the lace looked like a string to me. When I was little I used to play with them all the time.

I slowly creept forwards and stuck my fingers out grabbing at the string.

Bringing it in the cage I started batting at it. Chewing at it, swiping and just playing around. It was a bit short so it was kind of hard.

"Awwww Jack look!" A voice said,making 'Jack' jump back a little jerking me forward saying as the string was in my mouth.

My face hit the cage door which made me let out a whine, dropping the string and pawing my face.

"Aww hey little guy" A voice said making me glance up to see a person.

He had beautiful color brown eyes, and a smile on his face.

I whined again, burying my face in my hands and curling into a ball my tail wrapping around my body.

"Aww don't be shy! Im Jack!" The guy said making me pick up to him,looking at his happy expression.

"Guys, come here."

Soon enough, two other faces were bye my cage, peering in at me. I whimpered, afraid they might hurt me like every one else did.

"This says his name is Zachary Dean Herron. He's 16 years old and is a black kitten hybrid. His birthday is May 27, 2068"  The one with Blond hair said.

"Jonah come here I think we found him."

Another pair of feet walked over as another face croweded by looking in at me. How many people are here?

"H-Hi," I whispered deciding to speak up.

__ Jack'S  POV__

Looking at Zach I could tell he was The one. He had beautiful brown eyes that kept clouding with tears.

Honestly, thwme sadest thing is that I wouldn't have notice him if Daniel hadn't seen him playing with my shoe lace.

"H-Hi" He stutterd his black ears flat on his head.

"There is no need to be shy!" Daniel cooed at him

Jonah hasn't said anything just continued to stare in awe at Zach. Im sure we all were. He was the one. The one for all of us.

You see, werewolves have thia special bond with some one. Not exactly mates but similar. If there in a small group and bonded as like brothers,  never really with girls, they seem to have the same bond with that someone , and that some one right now seems to be Zach.

"Hey Zach, you wanna come home with us?" I asked smiling at the cute boy.

"N- No. You h-hurt Zach." He whimpered.

Ah so he does talk in third person.

I glanced at Jonah who didn't look annoyed at all , but like he was witnessing the cutest thing in the world.

"We aren't going to hurt you bub. Daniel go tell the dude we found the one we want." Corbyn said

Daniel immediately stood up to go tell the owner we found who we wanted.

"E-Everyone hurts -hurts Zach." He whimpered tail fluffed in a scared manner and his ears still flat against his head.

Daniel came back with the guy behind him.

"So who do you want"
"Zach." We all answered in sync.

The man's face dropped.
"Nice joke, but seriously."

No one said anything, just stared at him.

"You are serious?! This has to be some sort of sick joke. There is so many better hybrids here. This one is pathetic. Always whimpering and shit!"

I could feel my blood boil at his comment. And Im sure the other giys were pissed too.

I heard Zach Let out a quiet, awkward heart breaking whimper like he was trying to hide it, and took all my strength not to pounce and beat the shit out of the owner.

"Don't even talk about him like that! We want him not any other hybrid! And I swear to God if you so much as try and convince us that he's not worthy I will the living shit out of YOU!"

Surprisingly it wasn't me that said that or Daniel or Corbyn. It was Jonah the same Jonah that was against getting a hybrid.


Yay first chapter hope you all like it play comment and vote ..

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