these another Amy??? Part 5

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chapter 28

(all the battle drones was destroyed by Nick)

(howard was petrified by the blank screen)

Howard:....uh D-Diego do you want some garlic cracker

Diego: XD (bird flapping its wing while moving his head closer to the cracker)

Howard: Whoa whoa birdy you have to hop on my lap if you want to eat my cracker 

(the humongous bird change it size to a chickens then leap on howard lap)

Howard: good bird now make your fluffy feathers

(Diego flap it wing. That slap howard in the face)

Howard:AH!! you fucking bird almost slapped me in my eye >:(

(communicator device cut on)

Victor:half pint where are my backup drones they still be here right now!

Howard:well uhhh  N-N-N-N

Victor:out with it boy!!!!

Howard:Nick just shish kabob the entire backup unit. we're totally fucked sir!!!! DX

Victor: fantastic. Krauser we'er the owing one holding the dock down

Krauser: that's fine. kept the android's troopers occupied while take care of Walter

victor: Aye make sure this TIME you finish the job 

Krauser: easier said than done

Howard: Krauser hold on could you let victor handle all that stuff by his self. we are in big trouble down here. :(

victor: don't be getting cold feet on me boy be it. try to regroup we're sophia and cody then abort the ship with diego.

Howard:wait you want us to leave you behind. that's suicidal

Krauser:My only objective to make sure y'all see tomorrow with a promising future. and I not going to let Walter take that from y'all understood Houston.

(whimpering) howard:Ah......Yes sir!!

Krauser:hah everything's gonna be okay. oh and stay safe

(communicator device cut off)

Howard:....(sniffle) Let's go find Sophia Diego (wiping his eyes)

(diego hop off his lap then change it size to a Chocobo length)

Howard:well thank god I can fly. or this would be aggravating trying to climb on your leg Diego

(howard flew on Diego back)

Howard:Now GO DIEGO GO!!!! (pointing his finger as the door suddenly the door open automatically then familiar person walk in the room with a blindfold cover her eye)

chapter 29

Cardia: greetings My name is Cardia Baker. I be hijacking your ship please cease all resistance and no harm will come to y'all. ^_^

Howard:Holy fuck it Amy!!!!

Cardia: Amy??? you much be mistakenly for someone else. or you might be stalling to get the upper hand either way I don't have the luxury to waste on you.

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