Ch.7 The fight

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Yasmeen's P.O.V

I was at my locker and it was lunch time. All of a sudden I felt something hard hit me in the face.

I turn while holding my right cheek. I see Luna and some guy. "What the fuck was that for?" I asked.

I started to punch the guy because he was the one whoo punched me first. He is a  fucking dude for goodness sake. But thank god I took karate so I knew exactly what to do to him.

After he was knocked out Luna slapped me 5 times in a row so I punched her 5 time in the face. It was only fair.

Everyone was staring at me because of what I did. Husain saw me and grabbed me, taking me off of her.

The principal came and said, "three of you in my office NOW!!" He exclaimed

I told the principal what happened and the dude got expelled and Luna got suspended.

I came out of the principals office and Husain was staring at me.

"What happened, Yas?" He asked.

"that guy punched me out of the blue" I said.
After school I went for a walk and it was pretty dark out since I stayed at school doing homework for some time.

It started raining a bit then I saw a figure walking to me. I was so scared, I froze.

"Hey queen, baby, habibti, Yas " said the person.

I turned around and saw Husain.
A sigh of relief over came me.

He had an umbrella and he started hugging me. I pushed him away because it was not halal.

He took me home and I thought of how he felt about me.

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