Chapter 9 *final*

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Your POV

We are now back home and I have the perfect plan, but I'm not telling. Yet.

"ONII-CHAN!!!" - Kiki

"Hey nee-chan!" - me

She runs up to me. I quickly let go of Jasons hand to hug the hell out of her. *angry sounds* I look back to Jason to see him staring at my sister angrily. Is he ...? *more angry sounds* ...jealous? 


Why do I think that's attractive? Like seriously, I can't think straight whenever he is around! Tch troublesome.... 

"(N/n) why is Jason angry?" - Kiki

"Because he is jelly of you being in my arms instead of him." - me

"HAH?!" - Jason

"You got my approval for this relationship." - Slendy

"Thank you." - me

"i knew it, it's oblivious." - Kiki

"*extreme blushing* What?!" - Jason

"I bet Jason is the woman." - Kiki

"WHAT?!" - Jason

"No he is a man, just like me sis, but to think of it, he is kinda feminine..... but that's attractive. Although everything he does is alluring." - me

"*sign* Why can't I stay mad at you?" - Jason

"'Cause you love me!" - me

>>timeskip to next day<<

As I'm laying in my bed, I call this fancy restaurant. I didn't sleep together with Jason, because I definitely wouldn't be able to keep my hands off him. Well, after today I won't have to!

"....So what can I do for you?" - restaurant dude

"Do you have by any chance a table for two?" - me

"Yes, sir. Do you wish to reserve the table?" - restaurant dude

"Yeah." - me


"*knocking sounds* Jason put on some fancy clothes and meet me downstairs!" - me

"Where are we going?" - Jason

I ignore him and make my way into the kitchen. I quickly check if the basket for later is all set and then I wait at the door. When Jason finally comes down, I can't take my eyes of him. I hand him a bouquet of roses.

"*blushes* C-Can we go?" - Jason

"Y-Yeah." - me

He puts them aside and follows me to the car. We drive into town. Jason keeps asking me about our destination, but ,although it's hella cute, I stay silent. I stop before the restaurant. Before Jason could even open the door, I use my skills to quickly jump over the car and open it for him. Once he is outside I take his hand and drag him inside.

"Hello, sir. do you have a Reservation?" - waiter

"Yes, I made one under the name Jason. (a/n: do you say it like that?)" - me

"If you would follow me." - waiter

He leads us to our table. I pull Jasons seat back and mention him to sit down. He blushes and quietly thanks me. I then proceed to take mine. After two or three minutes I ask him what he wants and as the waiter Returns, I order our food.

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