Sick as a BITCH and Writing on an Xbox One

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Heyyyyyyyy guys so yeah im home sick cuz i got fucking FOOD POISONING because my school DOESNT FUCKING KNOW HOW TO COOK and i puked twice last night in front of my boyfriend cuz i was at his house about to go to his baseball game and the first time i had to shower at his house then borrow clothes then at the end of his game right before we left i ended up dropping in the grass an puking up the only thing i had in my stomach (which just so happened to be tea) and dry heaved at the end before my stomach finally decided it was done which was pretty fucking agonizing then his mom stopped by the seven eleven near my house and bought ginger ale and tums and told me to eat the tums and drink the ginger ale it should help (i trusted her because she works as a medical assistant) and i feel like i should pay her back cuz like she didnt have to buy me those things so now i owe her twenty bucks an im determined to pay her back eventually yea and it was funny i crashed at about nine oclock last night and only woke up when i heard my mom coming upstairs and me and her talked about how i felt bad cuz his mom spent money on me and she tells me "shes a mom honey we do stuff like that and if i were in her situation i would've done the same thing its a lot like that time i bought those pregnancy tests for hayz we just do stuff like that" and luckily i didnt puke again last night but i woke up this morning feeling like complete trash my alarm went off at five and i decided to sleep for one more hour to see if i felt any better but when i got back up at six i felt just as bad if not worse so i ended up stumbling down the stairs and asking mom if i could stay home and she said yea and i checked my temperature and i had a fever of 100.4 because literally any time i get even REMOTELY sick my body WAAAAAAAAYY over reacts and i looked at mom and said "looks like i cant go anyway" then i went back upstairs and texted a friend of mine to ask him to tell our director that i couldnt make rehersal today then crashed and slept till twelve so yea anyway im goin back to sleep cuz im tired as hell

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