Chapter Six: My Mate

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(Ember's pov)
My brain fails to comprehend his words as they ricochet in my head. I'm his mate! "That's impossible! I'm human I don't have a mate!" I yell and he growls making me jump.

"If you were human you're blood wouldn't  smell like a pureblood alpha... Unless you were adopted..." He trails off, seemingly putting the pieces together. "Well, Lyla I never thought you're family would take in a human" he sneers. She growls and stalks forward only to be stopped by warriors.

"Now, Ember why were those rogues chasing you?" He asks his eyes holding curiosity and anger. I gulp and Lyla nods.

'It's ok' her voice filters through our link.

"Well, it's a not so funny story actually, I was on the run and at the time I didn't know werewolves existed. I stole a car and gathered some money and wound up in redwood only to be attacked and robbed by rogues-" animalistic snarls cut me off and I see the alpha trying to reign his wolf in.

"The leader, Terrance said I would be good for 'him'; as in the rogue King so now I'm not only preparing to shift in two weeks but I'm trying to avoid a king who will most likely hold me captive for however long and kill me once I'm of no use" I finish tears brimming in my eyes.

"What were you running from?" He asks. I shake my head. I couldn't tell a person I barely know about my past... But I told Cole and his family.... They saved my life... What's this guy done?... I feel fingers curl around my chin and my eyes meet those of the dark claw alpha. Sparks flow at the contact. Don't cry, it dulls you're eyes" he mumbles and wipes my tears with the pads of his thumb.

"Alpha! We have one of the rogues... The others... Killed themselves they had silver knives..." The warrior trails off and the alpha's hand curls around my wrist.

"Come, Ember for we have much to discuss" he says and I feel myself being dragged away from Lyla.

"NO! Damon! Let her go!" I hear Lyla's screams and Damon stops his eyes blazing. Now she's done it.
Calling an alpha by their name and not their title unless given permission is seen as disrespectful. He pushes me away from him and I'm held by a wolf.

"You dare come into my territory and disrespect me?!" He bellows. Lyla smirks. A sickening sound echoes through the forest and Lyla's head snaps to the side. A bruise forming. "Well?! Answer me!" He yells.

"You asked for it! You can't just take my sister from me!" She fumes and starts fighting the Warriors. Damon snarls and throws Lyla to the ground and starts kicking her violently as she holds in her cries of pain. If he can do that to Lyla what could he do to me....

"Damon, STOP!" I yell breaking free of my hold and pulling him away from Lyla who is lying still and bloody on the ground. "What the hell?! That's my sister!" Damon's  eyes blaze with fury and he raises a hand to slap me, I brace myself for impact but it doesn't come as I sense my family nearing us.

"Oi! Damon! Where are my sisters?! I swear to the goddess if you've hurt them rogue and animal blood won't be the only Crimson staining the ground!" Dom yells. I attempt to run to them but I'm pulled back by Damon.

"That a threat? Dom, really you should know I have immunity as killing a pureblood is punishable by death" he smirks. I hear a feint whimper and see Lyla on her hands and knees trying to get to her feet.

"LYLA!" A blonde male drops to his knees and holds Lyla close as she cries. "What the hell happened?!" He growled his wolf surfacing. Cole's eyes land on me in Damon's hold and he growls furiously.

"Ember! What happened?" He asked his eyes burning into Damon

"Terrance. He sent rogues after us... They said he was paying well and if I didn't go willingly they'd drag me to him but have fun first... Lyla and I killed them but more came so we ran here and right into Damon.

He was going to take me back to his pack by force and Lyla called him by his name instead of his title so he beat her-" a sob escapes me as I look at her and see she's brokenly sobbing and holding her ribs.

"Damon! Unless you want war... Let her go." Cole demands coldly. Damon huffs and I see Serena holding Dom back.

"Two weeks... Then I come for you" he whispers and let's me go. I race over to Cole and throw the nastiest glare I can at Damon who shrugs and turns away from me, his promise lingering in his eyes...
I jolt awake and deeply take breaths. I check the clock beside me. 5:00am. Damnit! I groan and blink my eyes, the grit falling from them. "Couldn't sleep?" I hear Serena's voice and the bed dips alerting me to her presence.

"How is she?" I ask. Serena sighs.

"Ok for now, she's at the infirmary, Joe's with her and we're each taking rounds in watching her. She's stable and has a few broken ribs and bruises but she'll heal up. Wanna come downstairs for some coffee? You look like you could use it... You ok?" I shake my head sighing.

"Two weeks... Then he comes for me, my own mate! I can't even deal with rogues and now I've got a possessive mate on my tail; not to mention I will have only just shifted!" I exclaimed hotly. Serena laughs. Laughs!

"I was like that with Zachary, I'd been hunting and accidentally shot him with an arrow... He chased me and we ended up by the creek he practically dragged me to his pack before we came to an agreement that I'd go back to my pack for awhile.

I later returned and we got to know each other better, that lead to us marking each other and eventually completing the process. I'm heading back soon but he's told me to stay says he'll be here soon. He's got a really annoying southern accent that he used to get whatever he wants so be careful you aren't immune like me." She winks.

"Coffee sounds good, I'm going to visit Lyla after though" I said and she nodded.

"I know you're closer with cole and Lyla, and don't bother denying it but just know either way that I consider you family as much as Dom does too" with those words we head downstairs in search of the liquid of life...

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