10 | R E T U R N

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   Dragons were indeed some fascinating creatures. It was easy to understand how Charlie could fall in love with them so deeply. And the thrill of the constant danger was a thing Margo didn't even know she had ever missed. This was oh so much better than swimming in a flood of parchment as a secretary.

   When Margo did arrive at Romania, all she wanted was to escape. Escape Audrey, escape Percy, escape her father. Escape Sirius. It turned out that fire-breathing dragons were just the right thing to escape everything.

   But peace was a wanderess, never staying for longer than it pleases. When Margo awoke on the the morning of the cold December day close to Christmas Eve, she saw it in Charlie's eyes before he even had to open up his mouth and speak it out loud that something was more than wrong.

   "What happened?", Margo asked, finding the usually light-hearted Charlie Weasley sitting by the kitchen table, his hands cupping his face, ellbows leaned against the table plate. "You look terrible, Charlie, are you okay?"

   "Just waiting", he muttered in a dull voice, sounding exhausted as if he hadn't slept the whole night. "Dad got attacked tonight. I'm waiting for a message from Mum or ... or anyone."

   "What? What do you mean, attacked?", Margo asked in a sharp tone, after the first shockwave had washed over her.

   "I don't know." Looking up at her, Margo recognised the dark circles under his eyes. "They can't tell details, Order business — and I can't leave here —"

   "I can take your shift", said Margo, placing a hand on his shoulder. "That's fine, just tell me what to do and then go home." But Charlie shook his head.

   "No way, it's to dangerous, I have two hatching dragons today, I can't leave." He ran his fingers through his firey red hair. "Would you go?", he suddenly asked. "Mom's at Grimmauld Place, you —"

   "Grimmauld Place?", Margo gasped, her eyes growing wide, her heartbeat increasing.

   "Yes ...", Charlie slowly replied, eying her suspiciously. "See, my brothers and Ginny are already there. But they are all shocked as well, and I'd sleep way better, if I knew someone could help Mum with — well, everything, you know?"

   She wanted to, but how could she say no? The Weasleys after all took her in, cared for her, and besides Percy being a prat, she loved this family with all her heart as if it was her own.

   "Of course", she then sighed. "Just let me pack a few things and I'm off."

   "You're the best, Margo!" A weak smile appeared on his tired face, as he reached out for her hand, softly squeezing it.

   "Nevermind", she whispered, but her mind was thinking very different of all this. Before she could even leave the room, her head was already flushed with pictures of what was awaiting her — especially who was awaiting her. And she was not sure if she was ready for this. But oh so sure that she wasn't.


    Five in the morning, and the mood hanging over the heavy kitchen table was feeling like a trance. Nobody was even thinking about going to bed, the faces of the Weasley kids were tensed, and Sirius along with Harry were nothing but intruders in this family's worried state. Empty bottles of butterbeer stood all over the table, as if they were as longingly waiting for some good news about Arthur Weasley to arrive as the people who'd emptied them.

   The only sound heard was the quiet ticking of the watches around the twins' wrists, so no wonder the earpiercing woosh of the fireplace got them all jumping, now wide awake and expectanionally staring at the green flame erupting right behind them.

   The youngest Weasley was the first raising from her chair, even though she'd been the closest to fall asleep just seconds ago. But with slight disappointment she sunk back even before Sirius could fully turn around — and his heart jumped.

   Brushing ashes and dust from her robe, the young woman's brilliant ember eyes were almost fully covered by her long maroon hair, until she looked up, scanning her surroundings, gaze meeting everyone; everyone but Sirius.

   "Any news?", he heard Fred Weasley ask, while Sirius' own eyes were glued on Margo. She shook her head.

   "Charlie sent me to — to see what I can help", she then said in a low voice. "He couldn't come himself ... So you don't know anything yet? What did even happen?"

   Clearing his throat, Sirius shifted in his seat. "Arthur got attacked in the ministry tonight. From what we know it was Voldemort's snake."

   "Ah", Margo breathed, without looking at him.

   "We're waiting for Molly."

   "Fine." She grabbed the small bag in her hand tighter. "Let me bring my stuff up, I'll — I'll get you lots something to eat after that."

   "I can do that", Sirius said, getting up, and that was when amber eyes met dark grey with a cold glint.

   "Believe me, when it comes to cooking, you're useless", she scoffed, no movement in her face.

   "That's why I'll bring your stuff to your room", he retorted, cracking a smile she didn't reply. Nevertheless, she handed him her bag, and when Sirius returned five minutes later, half of the younger ones already had some sandwiches in their hands.

   "— but when you saw it in your head", Margo spoke to Harry, when Sirius re-entered the room, "does that mean that he wanted you to see it?"

   "Don't think so", Harry muttered, "I —", his eyes fell on Sirius, "I felt like I had been there. It wasn't just like a vision, you know, it was — it was real."

   "Can we have a word, Margo?", Sirius asked, trying to keep his voice casual. She looked at him, her eyes slightly narrowed, while she was placing the last sandwich in front of his godson.

   "Shouldn't we stay here in case Molly will arrive?"

   "It won't take long ..."

   Her shoulders moved quickly up and down in a shrug. Placing an empty plate in the sink, Sirius just ignored the questioning looks upon the kids faces, as she walked towards him. And that was when the kitchen door opened and Molly stepped in.  

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