Chapter 6

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Aya wished the cyborg hadn't looked so innocent when he was unconscious.

He lay sprawled on the couch. Metal limbs dangling off the edge, his body was too big for the couch.

After dragging it to her apartment, she had dropped him onto the couch. Her petite body unable to bear his weight for even a minute.

His chest rose and fell evenly, its mouth slightly agape.

And she wondered solemnly if she would have done the same thing.

If she thought she had died a hero, only to wake up again, to find thousands of people examining you like an animal in a zoo

To see metal limbs instead of your own, to realize that you were no longer a human but a... a monster.

Aya shuddered, no man deserved to have that happened to them.

Yet here he was.

Now resting peacefully because he was completely unaware of his past.

Whenever she questioned her father, he'd always reply that doctors would have managed to keep him alive but they wouldn't be able to heal him.

That he had healed him.

But she knew there was more to it. Her father wanted to prove that robots and humans could be the same being.

He wanted to make humans evolve, make them immortal.

And when she was a child like Mayu, the idea didn't sound so bad.

Now it haunted her if all humans were immortal than perhaps she'd be happy, to know that none of her family members would ever leave her.

But if she was the only one who was immortal, that would change things drastically, because she'd know that she would outlive her family and friends.

That after their death she would be alone, she would make new friends, only to watch them die again.

Eventually, she'd stop making friends out of the fear of not being able to watch them die.

Then she would be lonely and her life would be pointless.

And death wouldn't be an option.

Her father had explained to her that Mark couldn't die, only be shut down, Like a device.

He could be crushed into a million pieces but he wouldn't die. He'd find another form to be his host and live on. The robotic part of him anyways. 

Aya had found that horrifying.

If things went wrong... they wouldn't be able to stop him. They'd die trying

But if things went the right way, Aya didn't know which way that lead, then they'd be unstoppable.

And Aya had always believed that Power Corrupts if they managed to harness the power of the cyborg than something would go wrong, she knew something would.

Mayu's giggle broke her from her chain of thoughts.

The child was sticking magnets on Mark's metal forearm.


The child looked up at her, "What?"

"Take those off, right now!"

Suddenly Mark let out a groan.

He was stirring, and there were magnets on his arm.

Aya's heartbeat quickened.

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