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we need to talk

i'm coming over

taeyeon stared at her screen rereading the two messages she had gotten 10 minutes ago.

a rush of anxiety came over her when she read them the first time and she knew it didn't help when she kept reading them over and over again. not to mention that getting these types of messages at 2 in the morning weren't really ideal.

she didn't know what to think of exactly when she received the messages, all she knew was that she was freaking out and thinking of every possible scenario that could take place.

don't panic, it's probably not even that bad anyway. you're just overreacting taeyeon.

she snapped out of her thoughts when she saw a new text from him.

i'm here and i'm not gonna knock because it's really freaking quiet out here and i don't wanna disturb the silence.

she found herself smiling how people do when they see the person they liked; a dorky kind of smile that made her feel like she was 16 all over again.

how did i go from panicking to a giddy mess?

taeyeon regained her composure while she walked over to her front door, taking a deep breath before opening it, remembering the first two texts that he sent. without pondering another lifetime on it she opened her door to let him in.

they let out quiet greetings since the silence of her building made them feel as if they were violating some volume level code.

"did i wake you up?"

"that's a funny question considering i almost never sleep."

"you have nights where you just knock out and curse at anyone that wakes you.", they both smiled at each other before walking to the living room and sat on the couch.

"so what was so important that you had to text me and come over at this hour, you're usually asleep by now.", taeyeon asked and looked at donghae from her spot on the couch.

she saw him hesitate for a few seconds before shaking his head.

"don't tell me you gave me a heart attack with your text and drove to my apartment at this hour only to not tell me what was on your mind."

"would you kill me if i say i did just do that?"

"maybe, but i also just wanna chill.", she was eager to know why he had come over suddenly, but she also just wanted to relax. japan "the sequel", as donghae had dubbed it, had taken a lot out of her physically and mentally.

while they were there mainly for work (even if their friends wouldn't believe them) they had continued doing some of the things they didn't get to do the first time.

he also might have tried to smuggle a japanese native shiba inu on the plane back, but that was a story for another day.

"well if you're really not going to tell me then what do you wanna do?", she scoot closer to him and tugged on the sweater that he was holding. he handed it over to her, knowing what she wanted, and watched her pull it over her head.

the sweater was obviously too big for her small stature; it ended just a bit before her knees and she had to push back the sleeves if she wanted to use her hands. regardless, she was comfortable and now her thighs weren't as cold as they were before.

"we can talk until we fall asleep. or until i do.", donghae offered after she looked at him expectantly.

"sounds like a plan.", taeyeon reached her hand out towards him after pushing the sleeve back to make use of her hand.

he took her hand in his and got up from his spot letting her pull him in the direction she was walking.

"we're not staying on the couch?"

"no because if you fall asleep i'll feel bad for leaving you there. even if you may deserve it."

"aw you're worried about my well being."

"on second thought the couch is perfect for you.", despite her words she kept walking towards her room and let him get settled in while she went to go turn off the lights from the living room.

taeyeon settled next to him when she got back, the both of them looking at the ceiling in a comfortable silence.

eventually they started a new conversation, talking for who knows how long because they lose track of time when they're together.

recalling both trips to japan, taeyeon's exhibit, the dog that donghae wanted to bring back to south korea, their conversation flowing easily and seemingly having no end.

over time their voices got softer, not lowered to whispers but still fairly quiet, their responses slowed steadily and sometimes they'd only answer in hums.

their bodies were pressed against each others, way closer than they had been when they first lied down, and the room became quiet, the only thing you could hear was their breathing until donghae broke the silence.

"what happened to you never sleeping?", taeyeon let out a small hum and exhaled which tickled donghae's neck. minutes later their breathing had slowed to an even pace and ironically she ended up falling asleep minutes before he did.

she never realized how much she liked having his body next to hers and she never realized how quickly she fell asleep with him by her side.

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