Part Three.

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We stopped smoking about an hour ago and Rae is freaking the hell out. He keeps laughing and then just sitting there staring off into space. I ate all my food right after I got it. I then handed out the snacks I brought with me. Justin was still eating his Taco Bell and I didn’t understand how he was still eating it as we got it about 2 and a half hours ago.

“Uh Jay? How the hell do you still have Taco Bell?” I asked and we stared at each other and we kind of just started giggling and then started crying from how hard we were laughing. Rae was getting tired so we put him to bed in Jays room. Jay and I went downstairs and we were watching a movie when his dad walked in.

“Hey Jay, Addison.” He said walking into the kitchen with groceries. I got up to help and was putting stuff away when he smiled and looked at me.

“Did you guys smoke without me again?” He said playfully and crossed his arms. I giggled and put up my pointer finger and ran into the living room. I grabbed some extra weed I had and gave it to him.

“Yes but, I brought some for you.” I said smiling as I grabbed a cupcake for me and Jay. “Also, a friend came over and is asleep in Jay’s bed because he got tired from smoking. So if you go in there just know okay?” I said smiling and walked into the living room giving Jay a cupcake.

“Sooooo how did things with Raegan go?” He said and I laughed and looked at him.



“He likes being called Rae not Raegan. It irritates him.” I said taking a bite of my cupcake. Smiling he looked at me.

“So I’m taking it, that it went well?” He said and started shaking his shoulders in a dancy type of way (you know what I mean). I shook my head laughing.

“Jay it isn’t like that… But he kissed me.” I said and squealed after then instantly started laughing because I’m stupid.

“I NEED TO KNOW. HOW DID IT GO?!” He said sitting up and smiling.

“I don‘t know as soon as it happened I pulled away.” I said and shrugged. He looked at me disappointed and pulled me up.

“Jayyyyyyyyyy what are we doinggggg.” I said as he pulled me upstairs and threw me into his room.

“What the hell am I supposed to do in here?” I asked as he walked out of the door, pulled it closed and locked. I know ‘How did he lock it? Your inside the room.’ but when he was younger his parents didn’t like that fact that he could lock the door. So they switched the door knob so now the lock is on the outside. Understand? I hope so.

“Wake him up and then talk I will be back in 30 minutes.” I sighed as Jay walked away. He is insane. I walked over to Rae and poked him.

“Rae. Rae. Rae. Rae. Rae. Rae. Rae!” I said poking him every time after saying his name. After the last one though I shoved him off the side of the bed.

“Wh- What the hell Addison?” He said getting up and laid back down. I ran over and jump on top of him.

“No no no no no no mister get up.” I said shaking him and laughing as he was coughing.  I laughed and got up.

“Come onnnnn.”

“What addison? Just go back downstairs.” He said trying to lay back down.

“Ok mister smartypants let me just walk over here and,” I shook the door knob and tried to get out.

“Oh look, it’s locked. Your so smart Rae.” I said and rolled my eyes. He sat up and shook his head chuckling.

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