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Victor: "Alright hold still." Victor dips a cloth into a bowl of cold water and gently places it over my eye. I whine jumping back and Victor quickly takes it away panicking. "Oh Yuuri I didn't hurt you did-" I shake my head and lift my hands.

//No it's just colder then I expected....// The platinum haired man sighs of relief and I drop my hands gently clasping then together. //You-// I shake //You can try again I'm sorry for scaring you....// Victor then moved closer to me and gently placed the cloth on my eye.

Victor: "Yuuri you don't need to apologize. You just got startled that's all. I'm not going to hate you for that...." Tears formed in my eyes as Victor gently pressed the cloth on my eye. It's not from the pain I can deal with that it's just because of how kind Victor is.... I honestly believe he is an angel sent to protect me from people who misunderstand and hurt me. Because.... well I'm mute. When I was very young the doctors learned I had something wrong with my vocal cords and that's why I can only make noises.... they are very faint and weak sounding but no matter how hard I tried I could never say Mama or Papa..... I only learned how to sign Mama and Papa and well you know all the other words that fall after that.... People have called me a brick... and useless. Because of my 'Condition' and there have been worse like pig. That's a hard one for me..... it grew popular form Victor calling me piglet because of the sweet little noice I make. It sounds like a happy little piglet well that and Victor thinks they are cute and pure. Everyone who heard then started calling me pig. And fat. It's pretty easy to connect..... after that Victor was the most apologetic I have ever seen him. To the point that he was crying because he felt so bad. I told him it wasn't his fault and within a couple of days it was okay. After that Victor gave me a new nickname that I think suits me much better. The nickname is flower. Some students have tried calling me weed but it didn't work. Victor gave this name to me while we where sitting under the cherry blossoms and he said- And I will remember this forever.

Victor: "Yuuri you really remind me of the blooms of a cherry blossom. They are silent and beautiful~ Do you mind if you're new nickname is Flower?"

I honestly don't know what I would do without him. Victor he- He is so kind. He has a heart of gold and would never hurt anyone unless he needs to. He even kisses my forehead and writes me notes that say wonderful things like.

'Remember Yuuri Just because you don't have a voice that don't mean you don't have one~!'

'I really love you're laugh~ it may be strange but it always warms my heart~'

'Smile Yuuri~! It's worth it I promise~!'

'You might be hurt on the outside but that doesn't mean you have a weak heart. You're heart is strong. And kind. Like gold~'

And those are just a few and I keep them all. They all hang on a cork board in my room. He will also doodle a flower on them as well or a happy face. To be honest I don't know why he does it but it really helps. I sniffle and wipe my eye and Victor looks at me and sighs.

Victor: "Are you Okay Flower?" I nod and Victor takes off the cloth looking at my eye.

//Is it bad.....?//

Victor: "No no it's not that bad. You just got a mild black eye. But if you just relax it and keep ice or a cold cloth on it you should be okay~"

//Victor?// Victor dips the cloth back in the water and rings it out as he looks at me.

Victor: "Yes?"

//Why do you care....? You could have hated me just like everyone else in this world but you don't. You care about me so much and-// My hands where stopped by Victor and he has a face of worry.

Victor: "Yuuri why would you say that....? I care and love for you because you're amazing. And.... Just because you're mute doesn't change anything for me and how much I care and love you. Some people might say you're weak because of it but I think that you're strong. You're strong because you learned sign you accepted that you couldn't speak when you where very young and now you're still being brave every second of every moment." I tear up and Victor wipes my eyes once more before kissing my forehead. "Flower I care for you because you are.... well you're you. And I could be offered all the money in the world and in exchange to change something about you but I wouldn't do it. Because you're beautiful, silent and strong. Just like a flower~" within a heartbeat a jump into Victors arms and he catches me and holds me close to him. I make weak and very soft crying noises and Victor notices and holds me close to his heart. I happily listen and within a few moments I was calm again my body still close to Victors. I have a silly smile on my face without even noticing. Well until Victor pointed it out. "You're smiling~" I jump and stand up straight in-front of Victor and he giggles.

//Well..... Well I was happy! And you're heart was calming.....!// My face was red and Victor brushes my hair back looking at me with gentle eyes. //Victor...?//

Victor: "I'm sorry I just had a thought...."

//What was it?//

Victor: "You deserve more love. More wonderful things like friends and the chance to join clubs. It hurts my heart to see people hate such a kind person."

//Victor stop really....// I gently put my finger over Victors lips for a moment and sigh. //I don't deserve anything more then I already have.// I take my hands away and feel my eye. //I would only get more attention drawn to me....//

Victor: "O-Oh Flower I didn't mean- I'm so sorry...."

//No Victor please don't blame yourself. You have only showed kindness to me and I couldn't repay you even if I tried. It's a nice thought but as long as you are close to me and I have my family I should be okay~// Victor nods and places down the cloth and gently kisses my eye. I smile weakly and giggle making my horrible laughing noice that I hate but Victor giggled with me as I covered my mouth.

Victor: "Yuuri you know I love you're laugh~ it's okay to be happy~" I then giggle again making tiny pig like noises and Victor smiles and hugs me. "There we go~ Now get better my flower. I will always be here for you~"

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